Each year as Spring slowly emerges we feel energetic changes - emotionally, physically, mentally, and spiritually. It's like a new beginning celebrated in different ways by each culture. Being in nature is one of the most wonderful gifts embraced by the human journey each year. Just a walk in a scenic area lifts the spirit and brings hope to those in a bad space. This year the challenges faced by humanity seem to be at a tipping point especially climate change and human emotions. It is our nature to believe that we can overcome obstacles but in the face of what's going on in the world today many question how long planet Earth will be sustainable or even exist as a frequency experience set in time.
The balance of night and day
Happy Birthday to the Crystalinks readers born in Aries.
Aries is a cardinal fire sign ruled by Mars.
Zarathustra - Zoroaster The Persian Prophet
The Anunnaki
Start of the Third Persian Gulf War - Invasion of Iraq
I was in Washington D.C. when it started. I stood opposed to the war, yet
knew it was meant to happen as life in the Hologram comes full circle.
That energy remains a major influence in today's current events.
While in D.C. I did a Book Signing linked to the release
of my book Sarah and Alexander - The Alchemy of Time
March 21, 2019 (3/3/3) - Super Full Moon - Feminine Energies, The Goddess
Granddaughter Joie in Phoenix, AZ - Phoenix is a Feminine Archetype of Creation
March 21, 2019 (3/3/3) - World Poetry Day
The Feather and the Eye of Creation
It's all just a story written in the annals of time for you to experience.
The Ancient One connecting consciousness with the written word
Dust devil whips up Chichen Itza a day after Spring Equinox - Video
Yucatan Life - March 23, 2019
No sooner did I post about feathers and Quetzalcoatl when a neighbor sent this pic he took asking what type of bird it is. [You can see the Coney Island parachute in the background.] It's a peregrine falcon - one of many who make their nests atop local bridges in the spring. This one must live on top of the Verrazano Bridge making her my neighbor.
Falcon Symbolism: Visionary, Success
Falcon Ancient Egypt: Horus was the Falcon Headed God
Eye of Horus - Symbol of this Reality
Black Hole of Creation through which the Simulation of our reality manifests
Doing the Math ... Horus creating the algorithm and the stories
Full Moon / Super Moon 0° Libra
When you're in High School it's about fun and future education. When you're in college it's about more fun and growing up. Hi ... I'm Ellie's Granddaughter Joie. Nice to see you again. As a high school sophomore I learned sign language, photography and went on to win Nationals with my Cheer Team. As a Junior I'll be spending the first half of each day at Casteel High School then going to the East Valley Institute of Technology to study cosmetology and to model. Have goals, dreams, and make them happen.
How many of you thrive on conspiracy theories and look forward to more - to taking Trump down - to justice being served? Who better than Trump could keep us this embroiled in a global conspiracy. The Mueller Report isn't going to change anything in so far as Trump being impeached or charged for a crime at this time. It's the beginning of "the next chapter" and more busy work to keep you focused in the hologram. Hopefully Congress and the public will get to see the results of this two-year investigation but you and I know life is about conspiracies and lies so finding out what's really in the report might only give us a glimpse of a larger truth. This is just another piece of the puzzle. What is the larger truth? We are projected illusion in a hologram that is reaching its end.
We Must Save the Nation
A New Creation