Ellie's World Blog Talk Radio 2008
The Return of Dilmun
The 12 Pyramids of Thoth
Before the Beginning - Bridge Over Chaos - Creation Myths
The Didjeri-Dudes
Grid Attraction ... 2009 is the Year Soul Mates Meet
The Economy December 2008
Pine Cones, Fibonacci Numbers, Acorns, Jesus, Christmas
Can Santa Hang the Moon?
Winter Solstice 2008
New Moon 6 Capricorn Meditation
Spiral Down the Rabbit Hole of Consciousness with Alice
We play all of our games in a field of hopes and dreams
11:11, Journey of the Crystals, Crystal Codes, My Family The Crystals
Thanksgiving 2008 - Time is Encoded - Something to be Thankful For
Dreamscape Projection and Hole Punch Cloud
Harmonics (Opera) and Ancient Pyramids Under the Stars
Chiming In - Bells and Chimes Manifest Out of Nowhere
The Parabola Effect and the Verrazano Bridge 10/12/08
Dee Kennedy's Spiritual Journey, Earth Dance8 in Sedona
Wall Street Adventures & Mediumship on the Upper West Side
Halloween Week 2008
"Ellie's World" - Blog Talk Radio
Dee Kennedy - Halloween - Magic and Traditions (60 Minutes)
Dee Kennedy Earth Dances (Chant) (Meditation) (30 Minutes)
Gordon-Michael Scallion - Presidential Election, Economic Crisis, Predictions, 2012, Earth Changes, Dreams (60 Minutes)
James Gilliland, UFO's, Magic and Alchemy, Jesus, Christ the Magician, White Dove (60 Minutes)
Ron Alexander Economy in Crisis (15 Minutes)
Messages From the Dolphins (Meditation) (30 Minutes)
Synchronicities In Your Life (15 Minutes)
Joy and Ellie Interview Alan Levy the CEO of Blog Talk Radio
Sink or Swim - Marriage or Divorce? The Defining Line
Speed Dating and Relationship Timelines
Rebooting Space-Time and Your DNA Programming
The Problem, The Solution, The Grid Matrix, The Closing Bell
610: Fibonacci Number, Harmonics, Color Spectrum
Remote Controlled Realities - Consciousness is Playing it Out Differently Now
Wake-up Dream - Sumerian Cylinder Seals
Ellie and The White Dove
Ellie and Joy Interview Dr. Michio Kaku
Lunar Eclipse in Aquarius 8/16/08
Ellie, Colin Andrews, Alexander and Alexandra
Chapel of Dreams - Wake Up Moments
Happiness Is the Key to Longer Life
Empty Nest Syndrome 2008
Don't Pour Money into a Failing Business
The Power of Positive Thinking
Anaglyph Images - 3D
Vehicles: UFOs - Merkabah
Parallel Realities - Multiverses & Parallel Lives
Education August 2008 - The Next Four Years
August 25, 2008 - Crystalinks Celebrates its 13th Anniversary
From Religion to Truth -- A Muslim Client Talks About God and Other Issues
Ellie Goes to the Post Office - The Green Church on 4th
'Q' On Cue - Quintessence
Pack Rat Effect - Endowment Effect
Navy Sky
French Connections - Bastille Day
Economy July 2008 - The House of Cards is Falling Down
Photos: Hold the Sun
Photos: Hold the Moon
Full Moon 26 Capricorn
The Lion and the Girl
Crystal Skull, Jose Munoz Meets with Ellie and George
Cheating (Emotionally) on Your Spouse
Friday the 13th - 13 - Fear and Remembrance
Ellie live on the Judy Joy Jones Radio Show
Mysteries of the Crystal Skulls - Blue Apples, Stargates
Bloodline, The Movie - Ellie with Rene Barnett and Bruce Burgess, Interview, A Day in Manhattan, Artifacts
NYC 5 Boro Bike Tour - May 4, 2008
Parallel Worlds, Parallel Lives
Mother's Day 2008 - Noah and the Red Rose
Memorial Day 2008, Cannonball Park, Paul Revere, Masonic Program, Alchemy
Photos: Jones Beach Air Show Memorial Day 2008
Extinction Level Event (ELE, Ellie)
Photo: Phoenix Rising in Flames
Vog - Hawaii's Volcanic Smog
Spiritual Travels with Mark - Hawaiian Volcano, Swimming with Dolphin, The Mayan Pyramid
May Day 2008 - Beltane, Ribbons, Parachute Symbology
The T- Bar Visualization
The Tea Room... Then and Now
Horns and Harmonics, Cones and Tones, Gramaphone Speakers
Double Helix Healing Workshop - Park Slope Brooklyn
Coney Island Adventures 2008 with Mike, George, and Anna
Ellie in the Park With Mike, Beam Me Up, Image Inverted
Dee Kennedy: Goddess Energies and Amazing Spiritual Photos
Jules Verne - Man and Machine
Taurus ... A Time For Change, Relationships, Flirting, Office Romances 2008
Ellie on CBC Radio
International Women's Day With Jean Bice in PA
Carpe Diem
The Galactic Mask and Metaphors
Saint Patrick's Day 2008
The Passing of Arthur C. Clarke
Cellular Memory
Ellie and the Undertakers
The Woo Factor
The Midway Station
What's In and What's Out For March 2008
Everything's Super in New York City: Super Bowl XLII - Super Tuesday Primaries
Peopling the Mythical Landscape
Valentine's Day - Matthew ~ Candy Kisses ~ Fairy Tales ~ Sand Castles
@ The End of Time and Projected Illusion
Brooklyn Cemetery, Ghosts, Holograms, Metaphors, "Light Quest" TV Show
US Presidents Day 2008, Trump Will Win One Day - Atlantic City MUFON
I Believe I Can Fly
The Fire Officer's Guide To Disaster Control
The Repository of Knowledge - Seeding Earth
Webbing Between Fingers
Happy New Year 2008 - Projecting Ahead ...
Ziraya Message Board With Ellie and George
Success 2008, Quantum Disconnectedness
Synchronicity and Reality
Works in Progress - Crystalinks and Wikipedia
Understanding Human Behavior - Genetic Reality - Cracking the Plates - Images by Alex Gray
Mercury and the MESSENGER, Matter, Dark Matter, Antimatter
Space Adventures 2008 - Matthew Creates a Story about Ellie
The Journey in Images, Matthew and Ellie 2008, Cool Symbolism
Ellie's Archives 2009
Archived Blogs and YouTube
Ellie's World Daily Blog
Alphabetical Index
Crystalinks Home Page
Psychic Reading or Counseling Session With Ellie