In a manner of speaking, we are all members of the Society of the White Rose. Our programmed reality is called the Flower of Life, a white rose symbolizing the highest form of geometric patterns that create the matrixes through which we consciously experience.
Mystery Schools were created at the beginning of time to safeguard the truth about the nature of our reality, its final revelation to come at a time when human consciousness would evolve beyond the physical experience and return to light.
The 20th century Nazi program was in some ways a metaphor for our current biogenetic experiment. The Hebrew bloodline, to which we have all belonged at some point in time, carries the codes, thus the program begins and ends in the Middle (balance) East (right), linked to the hidden secrets of the temple (mind) and harmonics.
In some ways World War II was about questing for the hidden secrets of creation and the sacred bloodline. It was about control. It was humanity's eternal battle of dark vs. light the prize being control over the next expression of the souls. To that end, many secret societies were formed, each with its own agenda. Among the most famous societies were the Vril Society and the society of The White Rose. The battle concludes in the 21st century.