January 29, 2003
I drove to Staples to pick up some office supplies. The Staples in Brooklyn is a large two-floor store that sells office supplies, etc. and has a large parking lot.
It had snowed in the early morning. The snow had just tapered off as I pulled into one of the few available parking spots.
Several people were going in and out of the store and their vehicles as I walked from my car toward the entrance.
Suddenly the white pigeons came out of nowhere, flying towards me.
Everyone was startled, including myself, as the birds began to circle just around me.
At first I was stunned, then a bit scared, thoughts of Alfred Hitchcock and his movie 'The Birds' (1963) filling my mind. These birds fly fast.
They sort of swooped in then circled around me for about 10 seconds.
There was no food on the ground to attract them.
I spoke telepathically sending the message, I understand. You can go now. As I completed that thought, as suddenly as they arrived, they all flew off towards the Verrazano Bridge.
I asked Z why they keep showing themselves to me at this time, and what their message is.
He showed me a feather quill pen and a book and said they link to my book Sarah and Alexander, and to Z as Thoth the Egyptian Scribe who wrote the story of our reality, the Book of Life.