Friends, Birds, Jesus, Protection, Bloodline, Merging

Wednesday January 14, 2009 - started like most other days - blogs, clients, and time spent with friends. Yet the energies were different and one by one as friends arrived much would be revealed.

My friend George came here in the morning to help with Crystalinks' February Newsletter. We created an mp3 meditation for the Full Moon 20 degrees Leo Lunar Eclipse and felt the energies building as we listened to the final version which was to set the pace, or should I say open the door, for what was to happen the rest of the day. The image of a merging black hole presented.

Esther arrived in the late morning excited about a present Robert had given her - a pendulum. Pendulums are an interesting tool of divination, coming in many shapes and sizes, generally guiding their own direction, and best used with the person swinging the pendulum not knowing the question being asked beforehand. Most have us have gone through the pendulum stage, one way or another. This topic became so interesting to us yesterday, I decided to include it in the newsletter also.

So there we were, seated at the table where I do my readings, the frequencies going crazy as George and Esther used their pendulums and I worked psychically, as we asked questions on many topics, mostly personal. We further discovered that George can read my thoughts much of the time, and I his, as he is the most matched in grid frequency to me at this time. Esther has amazing psychic abilities, and can get as silly and wacky as me, as we laughed at everything.

Somehow I knew this was the fun stuff before something more serious was to happen. I could sense it building. Two hours later we felt the energies shift. We all heard my doorbell ring though no one was there when I looked.

As the energies rapidly increased - a white pigeon slammed against my living room window startling everyone.

We ran to the window and saw the imprint it made - though it was nowhere to be seen apparently having flown away. These interesting pics emerged.

The image of Jesus appears in the branches below the Verrazano Bridge looking down.

It is above the heart as if the heart was his body filled with love.

It snowed the next day - but the pattern remained on the window.

Reality moves from black and white to living color. At the end of time it reverts back to Black.

George, Esther and I were joined for dinner by Pat and Mallory. After a review of the events of the day and some fun conversation about life, we moved to my sofa as the energies continued to build.

I sat next to Esther near the dining room, George in the middle facing straight out to the bridge, and Pat and Mallory sat opposite Esther and I. The room was lit by the cables on the bridge and the pink fluorescent lights in my 3 wall units.

The energies quickly changed as we sat there. Esther saw the spirits of trapped souls at the top of a large supervolcano that erupted. As the caldera collapsed, their souls were free.

Esther then saw the black eyes of the alien grays - which I often see looking back at me (protection, monitoring, reflection of self). The Grays are artificial intelligence - their black eyes being lens technology as I merged with them and looked out.

With the scent of roses (bloodline) wafting through the room Mallory had been transported to the Palace of Versailles in the 18th century elegantly described as if royal of the timeline. She described the scene ... I stood alone in the far corner of a ballroom waiting a long time for someone. When he arrived, she believed it to be George, who handed me "The Codes" then he left.

I was shown the word Merovingian - taking us to the alleged bloodline of Mary Magdalene, Jesus, and their daughter Sarah. Mallory saw me leaving France by boat headed for America where I would remain until the end.

Miracle on the Hudson

Thursday January 15, 2009

Flight 1549 crashed into the Hudson River exactly 24 hours after the white pigeon crashed into my window, left its imprint, and I took a pic of what seems to reflect the image of Jesus representing protection. The plane's engines were damaged by a double bird strike of Canadian Geese.

The water current moved the US Airways jet south stopping not far from Ground Zero (9/11) - the world financial district. This set in place the following: the return to the Middle East and the collapse of the global economy as reality moves to another plane. One could sense divine guidance in all of this.