Born on Pi Day - March 14, 1879 - April 18, 1955
March 14, 2019
Emma Haruka Iwao smashes pi world record with Google help
7 interesting facts about the most famous number in mathematics
Researchers confirm massive hyper-runaway star ejected from the Milky Way Disk
PhysOrg - March 13, 2019
Explaining Simulation Hypothesis - Holographic Universe Theory
"Computer End Program" - Jonathan Frakes
All that was left were the grids ...
Troi and Riker walked through the door ... and then they were gone.
Physicists reverse time using quantum computer
PhysOrg - March 14, 2019
Researchers reverse the flow of time on IBM's quantum computer -
Quantum simulation gives a sneak peek into the possibilities of time reversal
Science Daily - March 14, 2019