10/1/2019 - Happy Birthday Annie Leibowitz - Above and Below
Joie Modeling in the Sands of Time - Above and Below
My friend Dee worked as a Consulting
Director on the 2019 film Hatshepsut.
Archaeologists reveal the face of Egyptian Queen Hatshepsut
Daily Mail - September 29, 2019
Dee sells beautiful earrings.
Joie will be part of her new advertising campaign.
I received an email from Author and Musician Brian Legate
Interests in Ancient Egypt and The Emerald Tablets of Thoth
Brian lives in "Phoenix" not far from Joie.
The Halls of Amenti are the simulation's grids.
Were ancient Egyptian hieroglyphs the original emojis?
In the Hall of Two Truths, a deceased person's heart was weighed against the Shu feather of truth and justice taken from the headdress of the goddess Ma'at. If the heart was lighter than the feather, they could pass on, but if it were heavier they would be devoured by the demon Ammut. This scene depicts what occurs after a person has died, according to the ancient Egyptians. The Funerary Scene ...
October 2, 2019 - Indian Summer and a message from Pat - It was 91° in New York City today so off I went to the beach with a friend and the spirit of my friend Pat who died last month on 9/11. Walking back to the car Pat guided me to this black-and-white feather on the steps. Connecting that with Pat's crossing over - one can conclude that balance is forthcoming whatever that means to you.