Ouija boards, talking boards, or spirit boards, are most often a flat board marked with the letters of the alphabet, the numbers 0-9, the words "yes", "no", "hello" (occasionally), and "goodbye", along with various symbols and graphics. It is a registered trademark of Hasbro Inc. which markets and distributes the Ouija board as part of its line of board games.
It involves the use of a planchette - a movable indicator - to point to a spirit's message by spelling it out on the board during a seance. Participants place their fingers on the planchette, and it is moved about the board to spell out words. Ouija has become a trademark that is often used generically to refer to any talking board.
Some regard ouija boards as a form of channeling, or mediumships - a means of communication with the other side. Following its commercial introduction by businessman Elijah Bond on July 1, 1890, the Ouija board was regarded as a harmless parlor game unrelated to the occult until American Spiritualist Pearl Curran popularized its use as a divining tool during World War I. In 2012, I channeled Pearl Curran on the TV series "Weird or What" with William Shatner.
Mainstream religions and some occultists have associated use of a Ouija board with the concept of demonic possession, and view the use of the board as a spiritual threat and have cautioned their followers not to use an Ouija board.
While Ouija believers feel the paranormal or supernatural are responsible for Ouija's action, it is parsimoniously explained by unconscious movements of those controlling the pointer, a psychophysiological phenomenon known as the ideomotor effect. Despite being harshly criticized by the scientific community and deemed superstitious by traditional Christians, Ouija remains popular among many people.
One of the first mentions of the automatic writing method used in the Ouija board is found in China around 1100 AD, in historical documents of the Song Dynasty. The method was known as "planchette writing". The use of planchette writing as an ostensible means of contacting the dead and the spirit-world continued, and, albeit under special rituals and supervisions, was a central practice of the Quanzhen School, until it was forbidden by the Qing Dynasty. Several entire scriptures of the Daozang are supposedly works of automatic planchette writing. Similar methods of mediumistic spirit writing have been widely practiced in ancient India, Greece, Rome, and medieval Europe.
Ouija Boards were used during the time of the Roman Empire in the fourth century.
They are also thought to have been used by the Greeks since before the time of Christ.
The modern Ouija Board began as a combination of two tools used for scrying. The first was a wheel made up of the letters of the alphabet. The second was a glass, usually a wine glass which is inverted and placed in the middle. The letters were usually written on small pieces of paper which are placed in a circle around the table.
During the late 19th century, planchettes were widely sold as a novelty. The businessmen Elijah Bond and Charles Kennard had the idea to patent a planchette sold with a board on which the alphabet was printed. The patentees filed on May 28, 1890 for patent protection and thus had invented the first Ouija board. Issue date on the patent was February 10, 1891. They received U.S. Patent 446,054. Bond was an attorney and was an inventor of other objects in addition to this device.
An employee of Kennard, William Fuld took over the talking board production and in 1901, he started production of his own boards under the name "Ouija". Kennard claimed he learned the name "Ouija" from using the board and that it was an ancient Egyptian word meaning "good luck."
When Fuld took over production of the boards, he popularized the more widely accepted etymology, that the name came from a combination of the French and German words for "yes". The Fuld name would become synonymous with the Ouija board, as Fuld reinvented its history, claiming that he himself had invented it. The strange talk about the boards from Fuld's competitors flooded the market, and all these boards enjoyed a heyday from the 1920s through the 1960s. Fuld sued many companies over the "Ouija" name and concept right up until his death in 1927.
In 1966, Fuld's estate sold the entire business to Parker Brothers, which was sold to Hasbro in 1991, and which continues to hold all trademarks and patents. About ten brands of talking boards are sold today under various names.
Most boards will work, even homemade ones. Many readers have written telling me about the creative ways they have made their own boards.
If you are making a board from a drawing or design you have created - please try to remember to include:
- The Alphabet
- Words that seem relevant
- Numbers - good for dates, ages, other numerical facts
- Astrological Signs
Cover the board with clear heavy sheet of plastic or place it under a glass surface. It must have a smooth - almost slippery top.
Create you image and letters in black and white or in color.
Use any type of paper - or place your design directly onto a hard surface board.
If your image is made of paper place the paper on a masonite board - piece of wood - or even a table top.
Be sure to leave lots of room around the edges of the board you have designed - so the indicator has room to move around without falling off the side of the board.
Cover the design with clear plastic or some sort of clear coating. Be sure it is the exact same size as the board. Secure the plastic covering - around the edges with clear tape - (clear wide width tape).
The ouija board can be used with an planchette made of plastic, wood, or a clear drinking glass. The best one are purchased from Parker Brothers or you can buy a ouija board game in a toy store and use the indicator from that came with the board you created.
Before you begin create the ambiance you desire - lighting, flowers, candles, location, cell phones off, other. Make your surroundings comfortable and seemingly free of negative energies.
Be sure your board and the three felt-tipped legs of the planchette are clean.
Write down questions if needed - the rest will come.
A video or audio recorder is fun. You might pick up static when spirits connection or just just to use as an aid to help you remember the messages given. An infrared camera used in an almost dark room sometimes show shadowy spirits.
Some people ouija best alone - others like to ouija with another person as long as that person is emotionally stable. Teens tend to attract unstable situations, so be carefully.
Decide if you want to place the board on a table, upon the knees of two persons, or where it is most comfortable for those who will use it.
In a group, determine who wants to use the board - and who wants to just observe, then decide which person will ask the first question - and if there is to be an order to follow for asking questions. The time for each turn will vary with the spirit answering.
Some people like to say a prayer over the board - or do some other ritual. In this case envision a protective white light of energy surround yourself, the board, those you are working with, and even the room. Ask your spirit guide - we all have guides.
Place your planchette on the board. "Warm it up' by making several slow sweeping circles over the board. You can place positive energy - white light - over the board as you initiate it. You are now ready to begin. Good luck!
When you use a ouija board, it is important to find out who you are connecting with. One of the first questions you might want to ask is the name/names of your spirit guides, as they are generally the first to make themselves known and thus allow you to feel protected. Everyone has at least one spirit guide. Once you know who you are taking to, proceed by asking for a message from spirit or by asking spirit simple Yes or No questions to which you know the answer.
People may be contacted by more than one spirit. Sometimes the spirits argue over who is to come through at a given time. Ask for one spirit at a time and always get a name before you begin.
If you have telekinetic abilities and feel you can move the indicator with your mind, then it is best not to use the board as you are guiding the answers.
Some spirits move across the board quickly - while others go very slow.
Once an answer is given you can ask for more information or clarification of the answer. But - - You can only ask a question ONCE! Do not continue to ask the question over and over to seek the answer you want. Ask the question once and accept the answers given. Ask simple questions that can be verified in the next few days.
You may get thought forms and mental images as you talk to the spirit.
A word may come through with all of the letters but in the wrong order. That is why it is best to have someone not using the board - writing the letters as they come through. A name may come through as ICMAHEL - meaning MICHAEL. Remember that not all spirits speak in your language. Some have trouble spelling words or creating sentences.
If spirits ask you to do weird things - stop using the board. Anything negative being written on the board means you must put the board away for that session whether you want to or not. The entity should leave by your next session.
Do not ask spirits to bring you things you want but would not otherwise have. All spirit have their boundaries. You must find out the limitations of the spirit you are talking to.
Never ask spirits to do harm to others.
Never use the board to control others or have power over them.
Do not let others use your board when you are not using it.
Keep the board in a special place.
Do not get addicted to ouija.
Using a ouija board is not for everyone. Some people get it immediately, while others never get the hang of it. This seems to have no bearing on whether one is psychic or not. Many psychics cannot work a Ouija Board.
With experience you can learn to channel your deceased loved ones and entities from other realms if they are around.
Some days the board may work for you. Others days you may get no response.
Be patient - and always feel comfortable with the spirit - or stop.
Click For Online Version on my Ziriya Talking Ouija Board
I purchased my board in 1987 and still play with it from time to time. When moving the planchette, I press on it lightly with the index and middle fingers of my right hand, and never look down at the board. I just move the planchette in circles ... then sudden it stops dead in its track. I read the word in the center of the planchette ... and this is where my message begins. I move the planchette quickly and as I dialogue with spirits on a daily basis, my guide being Z or Zoroaster. Imagine my surprise when I found a board whose named started with a "Z". I also agree with those who believe ouija boards are not for everyone, especially those with emotional problems.