Channeling, in any form, is a matter of focusing one's consciousness, as if plugging into a switchboard, to receive information. We do it all the time. You plug in, receive the same information as anyone else who plugs into that grid frequency. I like to refer to it as the Lilly Tomlin "Ernestine Effect".
Most information has to do with the usual concerns - healing and awakening, conspiracy theories, alien agendas, Earth changes, the future of humanity, prophecy, etc. Generic information about Love and Light used to be popular, but today people want specific facts not cryptic messages.
Should you trust everything you believed is channeled by another or yourself? Be discerning as everything is filtered by the channeler and may need to be reviewed. If you channeled years ago, this may be the time to look back at old messages and seek out the metaphors.
Remember ... channelers and healers, like everyone and everything else in the grid, tend to reinvent themselves so they can grow ... and/or to continue making money along the way.
Reality is a computer generated consciousness hologram/a> in which the characters it creates are programmed to believe it is real. The human brain is an electrochemical machine forever viewing streaming consciousness for experience. It works much like a computer, using binary code for interpretation. It creates the ON OFF ON OFF Effect - 101010 - where sometimes you miss something for a split second and wonder why.
Fibonacci Number - Sacred Geometry of Creation
Channelers allegedly dialogue with:
angels (aliens, consciousness)
ascended masters (aliens, consciousness)
gods and goddesses (aliens, consciousness)
grids, akashic records, matrix (consciousness)
one's higher self (consciousness)
souls who have crossed over (consciousness)