As frequency increases and planetary magnetics decrease, we begin to remember who we are as spirit and what the nature of reality and creation are all about. We experience in higher frequency of light and see beyond the limitations of physical consciousness, which is the nature of moving past this reality, ascension.
As a result of this alchemy of consciousness, many people are finding that their short term memory failing. The everyday tasks are often done without consciousness thought, resulting in people not sure if they did them at all.
There are many people losing things these days, such as keys, jewelry, documents ... or from the expression, "I'm losing my mind!"
Many people worry about this loss of short term memory and consult a doctor. There may be a medical problem, but on the other hand, it goes to focusing one's attention, or consciousness awareness, on the mundane, and becoming more in touch with the endless things one's consciousness is doing in other frequencies and experiences. We do not come fully back into our physical body, conscious awareness each day, as part of us that remains on the other side.
Third dimension is redundant and boring for the most part, not to mention emotionally crippling for the souls. We don't need any more lesson on war and what it does to the human psyche, finding ways to achieve a reasonable amount of abundance, relationships that don't work out, illnesses and emotional issues, etc. We are waiting to get beyond that.
I know there are souls who want 3D Earth to become enlightened and a great big happy place in the universe where all works in balance. Sadly it can't happen in this a polarity program. This is the realm of drama, where the drama queens rule. Hence the souls remain on the other side while an aspect of their being returns here each waking day and functions, if you can call it that. Too many people crashing now, substance abuse to medicate, other meds, breakdowns, chronic fatigue and related disorders. many auto-immune. This program clearly has a virus!
We are losing our short term memory but as our DNA activates we are remembering who we are and where we came from, which is far more important and part of the master plan of creation.