Represents Time Travel
Your brain is an electrochemical machine that processes with binary code
creating the illusion of linear time. This is the journey of your DNA.
DNA: The Molecule that Defines You
Good video [Total time 3:05] -- DNA as a biochemical machine [Begins 1:50]
M. C. Escher
The brain (consciousness), spiraling DNA, and the art of Escher
Ancestor Syndrome and Genetic Memory
Happy Birthday to the Virgo Readers!
The Wormhole and the Matrix ...
Carrie-Anne Moss Google Videos
Carrie-Anne Moss is a Canadian actress.
Silent Hill: Revelation 3D -- Filmography
Carrie-Anne Moss
John Noble Google Videos
John Noble is an Australian film and television actor,
and theater director of more than 80 plays.
Fringe (2008-present) -- Filmography
Gene Roddenberry Google Videos
Eugene Roddenberry was an American television
screenwriter, producer, futurist and creator of Star Trek.
Roddenberry is one of the first people to be buried in space.
or he turns his back on it and starts to wither away.
Jonathan Frakes Google Videos
Jonathan Frakes is an American actor, author, and director
best known for Star Trek: The Next Generation. Filmography
"Computer End Program" - Jonathan Frakes
All that was left were the grids ...
Troi and Riker walked through the door ... and then they were gone.
Fade to Black