It's 2012 and by this point in your life you have tried many diets - having lost and regained weight through the years.
Personally I believe a diet is an individual things based on one's available to prepare food, their lifestyle, it's psychological value, and even go as far as saying their astrological chart can reflect if a diet will work in any given year.
The brain as we know is an electrochemical machine that loves patterns. Once it adjusts to proper eating, it will allow the person to lose weight and get healthy, but how long will that last.
You eat as your brian is programmed ... until emotional issues, especially stress, take over.
In today's world I find that many people have hypothyroid problems making it hard to lose weigh even with low caloric intake. Medical problems arise from emotions ... and there's no escaping them.
One can try various balancing techniques - yoga, meditation, etc. but in the end, if the brain has a chemical imbalance making it predispose to overeating, they will gain weight back.
So know it all. You read the books. You even those who never gain weight and eat what they want, so now in 2012, ponder your psychological and physical predisposition and decide if you can diet this year or not.
Chose a plan of your own or something you read about. Join a weight loss group. Follow the TV show "The Biggest Loser". Exercise. Go organic. Use whatever tools and techniques you need to make a diet work. Give it a few works and you will know if you will be successful this time around..
Best Diet of 2012 Is the DASH Diet: New Rankings Live Science - January 4, 2012
The best diet of 2012 is the Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension (DASH) diet, according to new rankings released by U.S. News & World Report. This is the second year in a row the DASH diet, which aims to prevent and lower high blood pressure, has won the category of "best diet overall." "While it may have started as a [blood pressure] lowering diet, it really has incredible nutritional value," said Deborah Enos, a certified nutritionist in Seattle and a MyHealthNewsDaily contributor.
Exercise is good for your waistline -- but it's a writing exercise MedEx - January 4, 2011
Is losing weight as simple as doing a 15-minute writing exercise? In a new study published in Psychological Science, a journal of the Association for Psychological Science, women who wrote about their most important values, like close relationships, music, or religion, lost more weight over the next few months than women who did not have that experience.