Ellie's Photos and Adventures 2004
Playing in the Sandbox of Time
Thinking Outside the Box
White Noise, EVP, Electronic Noise Phenomena,
What the Bleep Do We Know?
Sagittarius, Milky Way Center
I'd Like to Propose In Mercury Retrograde
Z Computer Keyboard
Z Cartoon, Last Responder
Just Words
Music of the Spheres Geometry/Symphony of Creation
Jane and Her Deceased Father Astral Project to the End of the Universe
The Eye in the Tree
Job Burnout
Christmas With Family
Tsunami December 26, 2004, Waves of Consciousness
Welcoming the New Year
Healing Issues, The Sum of All Healing Journeys of Consciousness
Solar Maximum 2004
40th Anniversary of the Verrazano Bridge November 21, 2004
Flying Triangles
Workshop on Balance, Crystal Bowl Exploded
Sunday: The White Rose, Bob in the Park
Monday: Parallel Journeys Mimic Other Timelines
Tuesday: The Crystal and the Obelisk
Wednesday: Tuning Forks and Messages From Spirit
Friday: Black Isis, Goddess, Return to Basic Black
Saturday: Time Travel Experiments, 1944, Hitler, Brooklyn Connections
Friedrich Nietzsche, Reality is Projection and Interpretation
Sarah's Amulet
Roses, Rose Bloodline
Dream of Awakening, Nikki, Past Life Clinic
Gods with Water Buckets' Anunnaki, Viracocha, Zoroaster
33, Myth, Math, Metaphor, Masonic Program
Earth Changes Mimic Grid Consciousness
Ellie and Pat Hear Voices, Speakers, Egypt
Why Am I Here?
Depression and Metaphysics
Sudden Deaths Syndrome
'Off The Boat' Parents
Remembering Christopher Reeve
Halloween 2004 - Skull and Bones Election
Sequence Dreams of Creation
Dreams of Creation Continue
Dreams of Ending, Phoenix, Eye, Railroad
Dream With Shirley, 36 Souls
Dream, 414, Eye/Fountain of Life Hologram, Kabbalah
Filming on 4th Avenue in Front of My House
Psych Out, Media Event in Manhattan
Shopping Habits
Priests and Priestesses of the Realm
Metaphors For Dummies
August 3, Statue of Liberty Reopens, SOL
Ellie's Gold Finger, Hands of Light, Scrying, Events Before 9/11, Aunt Rose, Eye, 36
Hudson Valley Cruise to Lyndhurst Castle 8/8/04
When Helping Others Becomes Frustrating
Stargates and Virtual Reality - Do You Know Truth From Illusion
Accordion Pleats, Reality Folding In
Micromanagement & Macromanagement
Birds in Spirit, Disoriented Pigeon
Solux, The Praying Mantis Alien in a Crystal
Holograms in Crystals
New York Minute
Life Is a Wave Harmonic
Fertility Gods and Goddesses
The 'Hit The Fan' Event
Stargate Atlantis Premieres
July 20, 1969, Apollo 11 Lands on the Moon
Senior Citizens and Finances
Haiku, Poetry, Showcasing Your Creative Talent
Plato, Metaphors, Allegory of the Cave. Other
The Day Out of Time - Mayan Calendar
Prerequisites For Marriage
Turning 40, Consciousness, Lifepath, Single and Searching
Workshop June 27, 2004, Carousel, DNA
The Eye of the Camera is the Lens of the Soul
Egyptian Initiation
5 Borough Bicycle Tour
Walking with Spirit, Wesak and Buddha
Earth and the Umbilical Cord
Temporal Anomalies, Mallory
3D Vision, Viewing Reality With 3D Glasses
Earthquake 10.5 Miniseries
Giving and Receiving Love
Venus Transit, Isis, Mayan Calendar, Alchemy
Wigging Out, Wigs and Traditions
Crystalinks Stats, Over One Million Hits
Thinking Outside the Box
White Buffalo Born May 2004, Arizona
Memorial Day 2004
Astronomical Alignments May 28 - Suns and Grandsons - Manhattanhenge
*The House of El - Beam Me Up!
Healing and Energy Work With Spirits
The Whistling
Passover, Easter Week 2004
Adventures in Upstate New York With Friends
5 Alchemists on a Journey, Trae, Ron, George, Pat
The White Stone
Expanding Your Consciousness
Metamorphosis of Consciousness, Caterpillar and the Grid
Ptah, Path, Pi, Phi
The Brown Pigeon
Little Old Lady, Little Old Man Syndrome
Poets Die Young
When You Grow Up, What Do You Want To Be?
The Limos of Brooklyn
Maiden Voyage of the QM2 - Queen Mary 2
5 Alchemists on a Journey, Marcus, Ron, George, Pat
John Edward, Westbury Music Fair
Gulrukh, Pat and Ellie, Manhattan Beach, Brooklyn
The Insert
Programming the Grids
Men Are From Mars ...
Excalibur, Sword in the Stone
Mars-Earth Connection
It's Who I Am, It's what I Do
Christ Consciousness and the Star of David (SOD)
Metaphysics Doesn't Exist, It's All Girds and Sacred Geometry
Ellie's Students Drawn Pics of Her
Content Management of Crystalinks
Spring Equinox - Changes and Challenges
Creating Sacred Spaces
The Phone Call You Didn't Want to Answer
Working Moms
The Shining Ones
Shakespeare in the Park
Nought, Naught, Nautilus, Sea of Consciousness
The Red Hat Society
What People Want From Relationships
Money and Relationships
Gods and Goddesses of Love
Relationships and Make-overs
Conjuring Up A Lover, Love Spells
Sexual Patterns
Ellie's Birthday 2004, Crosses of Light
Ellie's Birthday in Manhattan
The Personal Shopper
Friend Index
Academy Awards 2004
Fire and Predictions
The Wounded Healer
Wake Up!
Waking Up In 2004
Computer End Program
Chronic Lateness, Watching Your Watch
Dynamics in Relationships
Affirmations and Readiness
Winter Depression
Three Step Program to Third Dimension
Order From Disorder
White Birds in Flight Near the Verrazano Birds
Snowstorm Over the Verrazano Bridge
Sunset Reflections January 2004
Reflections in Space, Art, Music and Geometry
Clouds, Wings, Feathers, Doves
Atlantis, The Way We Were, Meditation
The Way We Were - The Metaphysical Experience - Tom and Ellie
New Years in Japan, Shinto Temples, Robert's Report
The Bank Heist, The 'Almost Home Bridge'
Verrazano Bridge Pics From Ellie's Home
Aquarius, Lisa & Pennies From Heaven, Helen, Iron and the Spirits
Quarters, Dreams
Mars Predictions 2004
Ellie's Archives 2005
Archived Blogs and YouTube
Ellie's World Daily Blog
Alphabetical Index
Crystalinks Home Page
Psychic Reading or Counseling Session With Ellie