Zahi Hawass Quits on the New Moon 13° (4, Endings) Pisces

Grid Stories

In the time I have known Zahi Hawass, his goal has been to find and preserve the treasures of his nation, and I understand his passion to that end. He has fought battles to keep foreign archaeologists and metaphysical researchers out. Much drama has been created about the way he handles his affaires, on all levels.

Hawass has been a long-standing opponent of normalized relations between Israel and Egypt. In January 2009, Hawass wrote in Al-Sharq Al-Awsat that "The concept of killing women, children and elderly people... seems to run in the blood of the Jews of Palestine" and that "the only thing that the Jews have learned from history is methods of tyranny and torment - so much so that they have become artists in this field." He explained that he was not referring to the Jews' faith but rather "the faith that they forged and contaminated with their poison, which is aimed against all of mankind."

In an interview on Egyptian television in April 2009, Hawass stated that "although Jews are few in number, they control the entire world" and commented on the "control they have" of the American economy and the media. He later clarified that he was using rhetoric to explain political fragmentation among the Arabs and that he does not believe in a "Jewish conspiracy to control the world".

I spoke with him twice on the phone, set up by his best friend who I was dating. Though I have never liked Zahi, I didn't argue with him about his policies and beliefs, but told him what I see ... and he listened intently as if one of my clients or with an inner knowing that I had something important to tell him.

Zahi seeks a treasure - an artifact that would be the key to human creation. This is driving him on a soul level. He agreed and asked if I new where it was. I said it does not exist, but his passion to find it is no different than those who come to Egypt with spiritual purpose, many who feel as he does. They believe in all sorts of things like the Hall of Records, Akashic Records, etc. none of which exist in the physical and all refer to the holographic grids that create our reality. He didn't understand and said he would continue searching. Sorry ... but like everything else in this reality ... Time is Up!

Present Day - Friday March 4, 2011

Symbolically I see the sun setting behind the Great Pyramid and hear the chants of the Priests, Priestesses and Initiates of ancient Egypt, those who created this reality, the truth hidden until the end, who will soon emerge as a grand harmonic that closes this hologram. Their chanting brings to mind the music box that played here on Monday - the tones of the Guardians of the Seed. If you close your eyes, you may be able to hear it, see it, be it. It's coming towards us like a giant tsunami of consciousness whose ETA (estimated time of arrival) feels close at hand.

Zahi Hawass

Zahi, and the ways of the Old World Orders (Program), conclude. Alas his reign is over. As I always say ... It's been an interesting run ... and interesting experience .. but now it's time to go. There's a New Moon now ... 13 (4, endings) Pisces.

On March 3, 2011 the New York Times reported that Antiquities Chief Zahi Hawass Says He's Out. After Egypt's prime minister resigned on Thursday and the army asked his replacement to form a caretaker cabinet, Zahi Hawass, Egypt's powerful and controversial antiquities chief, said he would not be part of the new government. His comments came after he posted on his Website for the first time a list of dozens of sites that have been looted since the beginning of the uprising that led to the fall of President Hosni Mubarak.