Spring is the season of Rebirth, New Life, Renewal, which has become our theme of late, yet in 2003 it is difficult to see through the war and anger to understand the birth of the new in the chaos of the old paradigms.
Springtime brings longer days and warmer temperatures after a long cold winter.
For many it is a positive time of growth.
More daylight helps alleviate some of the depression that winter brings.
On the flip side, we have those who are emotionally dysfunctional.
Most are the night people, depressives, those who thrive in the darkness, the time of shadows. During they daylight they lay in bed, staring at the ceiling, or sleeping and cannot function.
With this they experience the Call of the Wild Syndrome. Each year when we enter Taurus, many souls, especially hyperactive people, ADHD and similar disorders, need to break free of old relationships and restraints, feeling and unencumbered. They need to be outdoors.
In general .... Spring generally is an uplifting time bringing changes, in career, education, moves, and personal relationships.
It is a time of connection to Nature and Nature Spirits.
Spring also signals the return of allergy season. With new pollutants in the air, you may develop allergies though you had never had any before.
This spring we pray for our soldiers fighting a seemingly meanings battle in Iraq, in which no one wins and much will be lost in the years ahead.