Wednesday, April 9, 2003
The expression 'Off with his head!" from Alice in Wonderland, has been on my mind all day, not to mention an ongoing feeling of synchronicity with the events.
The war was on my mind as I watched the 5pm news. Something linking to my area with events unfolding in Iraq at this time, would be shown. But what? As I watched, they showed a Marine Cpl. Chin climbing up the statute of Saddam and draping a flag over its Saddam's head. Then the TV reporter said something that blew me away. Marine Cpl Edward Chin, 23, is from Bensonhurst, which is not far from here.
Saddam and the game board, we are all pawns.
We exist in an Alice in Wonderland Reality, "Off with his, or her, head," said the Queen of Hearts. We fell down into 3D, the rabbit hole and seek to become whole. They play their game on a Checkerboard Floor. The Rabbit with the pocket watch is my favorite character. "Time in this reality is running out," Ellie said with certainty.... Tick Tock.
Time is not what it appears to be....
In my head I hear the oldies song....
"You've got to wait till the midnight hour..."
It's all about Midnight, Blue, Time, Magic, Illusion, Ya gotta have Soul (Music).
We are experiencing half way between Wonderland and OZ. Checkmate!