Sunday June 20, 2021

I want to wish everyone playing a father role in someone's life - a Happy Father's Day.

Father's Day creates an emotional window through which many experience, or revisit, relationships with their fathers, or other male figures who raised them. It's about showing appreciation but also resolving issues if possible.

Through the 25 years Crystalinks has been online I've posted 25 Father's Day blogs taking about the relationships between children and their fathers or the men who raised them full time or part time.

In the duality of reality we're going to find amazing fathers who taught their children about the positive sides of life - love, compassion, encourage the growth and creativity of their children and more.

It's the guy with the loving hug who tells you it's all going be OK whether he believes it or not.

On the flip-side we find fathers who were negligent, abusive, or just absent from the children's lives - some never even knew they had children.

It's all about issues and trying to resolve them at any stage of the father-child relationship - letting go of old patterns usually due to mental illness and the abuses they create.

We now recognize how dysfunctional families are, the playgrounds in which we came to experience emotions as part of their genetic programmed in the simulation of this reality.

Some people try to make peace with an abusive father, for their spiritual growth and healing, for the sake of other members of the family, for money or inheritance, guilt, and other dramas life creates.

Don't feel guilty if your father has undiagnosed and untreated mental illness or substance abuse issues, and you can't stick around anymore. Move on is a big part of the physical experience.

People change, so do men as they grow older, some more open, aware, and remorseful, others more cranky generally because they have health issues.

Always look at the family genetic code - at who raised your father and how that influenced his ability to parent. The answers are there.

If you still live with an abusive father, on any level, it might be a good time to find out why you stay and what you can do to change your future. If your destiny in life is to be a parental caretaker then you may resent your father until the end.

If you are lucky enough to have a dad who is cool, knows how to parent and is loving, caring and balanced, don't forget to give him something special this year, to let him know you appreciate him.

Covid and Father Day

This is been a particularly difficult year for fathers especially those in nursing homes who were unable to see and feel the tenderness of their children. We saw them gazing out the windows of the nursing home placing a hand up to the window and as their child needs their hand through the pane/pain. Many of these seniors died either from Covid or perhaps a broken heart and loneliness.

Covid also took the lives of fathers who are otherwise healthy before we had to deal with this pandemic. Everywhere you looked there were thousands of people crossing over - many fathers or grandfathers - often good men ripped from their families without warning.

Fathers who have passed

Some people visit the cemetery where their father is laid to rest - not just as a result of Coved but other situations that caused him to pass on. They leave flowers and other objects in respect for the person now gone.

Some connect with their fathers telepathically or through a psychic medium often accompanied by something that allows them to know their father is with them in spirit.

It could be a fragrance, sound, something moving, or anything else associated with their father. This allows those in physical reality to understand their children's messages and emotions as physical reality is an emotional playground in which the child becomes the father - then the grandfather - then in spirit while experiencing the full gamut of emotions.

No matter who you are and what you're doing on Father's Day 2021 try to bring some joy into the lives of those in your family as well as your own.

You may know this is just in-the-moment but what is life but a moment and an emotion.