The Changing Self

November 22, 2001

Reality altered on 9/11. The first person I spoke to about the just after the second plane hit Tower 2 was my friend El-Sherif. I still remember what he said, "Nothing will ever be the same again." No truer words were ever spoken.

At first I felt a special concern as he is Egyptian, but as we spoke I realized this was about humanity changing from physical reality to something greater. This event signaled a transition of body (cellular), mind (conscious awareness) and soul (we are a spark of light). On every level of our reality we are rapidly changing as we always have but now we are becoming more aware of the changes. If you fear change, this will be a difficult transition for you.

Our sleep patterns are more about merging physical and dream time than ever before, or should I say we are more aware of what is occurring in dream time as a place to process and release things from the past and things that bother us during the waking hours. We are more aware that decisions are made when we sleep. It's equivalent to you talking to deceased loved one in dream time when you cannot do it in physical consciousness. We are becoming better lucid dreamers understanding that we are caught up in a lucid dream.

As our cellular bodies make rapid changes, we will experience physical discomfort, strange unexplained illnesses and dizziness, and problems in the head and chest areas. If you understand what is occurring on all levels you will move through this transition with ease. If your life is one of imbalance, nothing will work.

On the emotional level we have moved into FEAR mode, different kinds of terrorism, biological, war, economic decline, etc.

This pattern is part of the breakdown of the illusion of the game. Fear increases as physical reality loses its meaning and we say, "Nothing makes sense anymore. What am I supposed to do?" It is at this point that we change our patterns of thinking as we move into higher frequency.

The ongoing solar storm activity, solar maximum, is part of the merging process as the electromagnetic energies fluctuating from Zero to Ten play havoc the planetary frequencies ---> weather patterns ----> our physical bodies-----> emotional upsets. Other celestial activities also affect these changes, lunar, planets in constant motion, etc.

Our minds are becoming more aware of who we are in higher frequency - that which we are returning to. It is as if two aspects of who we are -- mirror images, matter-anti-matter, yin/yang, polarity, are merging before the consciousness pole shifts.

Picture a magnetic pole that runs North/South. We are electromagnetic energy fields. Our consciousness is moving from the North and South to the middle. Suddenly the polarity will reverse, as the two parts of your consciousness join. Reality will change in one nano-second that no one will be able to predict, on a soul level we will experience connection. It is the NOW we have all waiting for, the time of awakening and reunion.

Creation - Sound, Light, and Color - are moving into higher frequency awareness for many of us, as we are now changing our cellular structures. One can soon experience additional colors in the spectrum and hear higher frequency harmonics. It's all about your level of awareness as these things have always existed there.

It's like saying, "Why did I see a UFO over Manhattan when no one else did?" As always the answer is frequency and attunement. You were able to see the UFO as you were on the same frequency as the spacecraft. It is all about our ability to perceive and what we do what those perceptions. It is never correct to doubt what another holds as a truth as anything goes. UFO sightings increase as the years pass - most linked to gray aliens.

As we move through our space-time adventure, we are becoming more and more aware of souls on other levels who seem to move right past us as projections. We sometimes experience them with our peripheral vision, or as splashes of colored lights, or as ghosts, or sometimes we merge our consciousness into their reality for a momentary glance.

For years people have come to me wondering why they can't find partners, why relationships suddenly die, why so many couples who are perfectly healthy are not able to have children, why they wake up one day and discover that life has no meaning so they drop whatever they are doing and follow their soul guidance. The events of 9/11 have brought most of us into the frequency of fear, doubt and searching.

This has been, and still is, a painful process for the human spirit - conditioned from the beginning to hang onto old patterns and to their physical bodies.

We have a become a society who recognizes and deals with issues - which is necessary because the history of the human race is about abuse and suffering. We now incorporate healers and psychics into our lifestyles as traditional methods of analysis do not have the answers we seek. It's not easy to shed the old paradigms - good or bad - as they have always felt safe. We are conditioned to fear the unknown. It's like trying to wear an old set of clothes that no longer fit. You can't bring our dated thinking into higher frequency, it won't work. Look at the world with new eyes. Search for answers in your soul, your heart, not your physical mind, because the answers may be in conflict with the soul's changing agenda, and will no longer work. It's all about consciousness and virtual reality with future changing technologies showing us the way home.

Awareness ... healing ... balance .. psychic abilities increase ... the truth revealed.