Welcome to the 2013 Winter Solstice where modern-day folks sometimes look through ancient megalithic monuments - at the position of the sun in another timeline. There are other stone monuments built more recently that take the imagination through the wormhole of time and space. You can create a "window of opportunity" at the moment of the solstice by looking through -- two tall trees, tall mountains, two tall buildings, in my case the arches of the Verrazano Bridge, etc. Be creative. Today is the shortest day of the year in the northern hemisphere, which is usually means cold weather, but as we know, nothing is as it once was, so many areas will experience spring - or even summer-like temperatures - while not far away severe and strange weather sweeps nation, threatening holiday travelers. The Winter Solstice each year signals the start of Capricorn as we soon welcome in a new year. Happy Birthday to the readers born in Capricorn.