Symbolism: Water represents the flow of the collective mind - the collective unconscious. It teaches us that our reality is forever changing - never to become what it once was.
Souls are guided to live near or on water.
Meditation: the flow of water calms the mind for a more balanced experience
Initiation: Ancients used water as part of Initiation rites (cleansing).
Divination: One can peer into a basin of water - wait a few minutes - then see images appear within the water - hydromancy) and lecanomancy
Astrology: Three water signs: Pisces, Scorpio, Cancer
Astronomy: Water on Mars and Jupiter's Moon Io
Physical therapists use water with their patients.
Sacred water is said to have healing properties - natural springs, wells, baths
Mermaids and mermen are/were most likely shape-shifting extraterrestrials - or part of the science of cryptozoology.
Extraterrestrial bases exist or existed at some point below the water in Earth's history
Atlantis allegedly sank into the sea to resurface one day.
Subterreanean civilizations allegedly exist under the sea.
End time prophecies and predictions
Climate Change and Natural Disasters mark the end of the human experiment in linear time - Simulation Theory