Reality is consciousness and light.
A soul a spark of light from that creation source.
The illusion of physical reality is created by electromagnetic energy - polarity, duality, opposites, male/female, yin/yang.
When your soul enters physical reality, it splits in half - male and female - above and below - experiencing together simultaneously. Encoded in every soul is the need to reunite with that twin aspect, or to seek that energy out through a physical soulmate. The need to reconnect keeps us linked to the other side and a knowing that Oneness awaits.
Physical reality is often referred to as 'In The Box'. When your polarities merge, your male and female aspects will move 'Out of the Box' igniting and creating union with your Twin Flame or Twin Aspect. As consciousness moves toward reunion, people miss their twin soul aspect and feel incomplete, often abandoned, lost, and depressed. They cannot find themselves. A piece of themselves is always missing. They search in third dimension but never completely find it. If they are lucky, they find someone who comes close to making them feel whole. They want someone to love, share with them and help them through this journey. While here, you can meet someone who acts as a catalyst, carrying the frequency of your Twin Flame, giving you the feeling of union, while making love.
Blue - electromagnetic energy of creation
EM energy returns you to the source of creation, consciousness.
The Blue Light of Electricity
Twin Rays, Twin Rods, Double Helix
April 1991 - Sedona, AZ
Guided by my twin flame, Zoroaster, who I call Z. I climbed a winding mountain, alone, and yet never alone as Z has been with me since the beginning.
In the energies of the setting sun, oranges, pinks, red blending in a tapestry with the sky and the horizon - I lit a spiral lavender candle I had brought with me from NY.
Z whispered, "Here I will prove to you that I am your Twin Flame".
As he spoke the candle began to burn, not just from the wick in the center, but from the wax on the right side. Before me were two flames burning brightly. I sat on the ground near and watched. My eyes filled with tears as I felt Z's energies merge with my own. A total union, more profound than I had ever known.
Some time later, as the candle continued to burn, I grabbed my camcorder and recorded the moment. When it was time to descend, Z told me the candle would stop turning, which it did. I left it there for whomever was to connect.