Our reality is a consciousness simulation- grids through which we experience virtually in the illusion of time.
Time and timelines do not actually exist. When one reads timelines, they are placing their awareness into the grids and experiencing at other levels of consciousness.
This is part of remote viewing and grid travel, placing one's conscious awareness in more than one grid at a time.
When reading timelines one tracks an event to see when and where it will occur
When doing a reading for someone, and tracking their timelines, one chooses the strongest probability for their life to unfold. Diverging from the timelines usually has negative consequences. It's like taking the wrong fork in the road, the one with the most obstacles, when the obvious choice is straight ahead if one is programmed to take it. Reality - after all programmed events in one's DNA codes upon which they act and experience in linear time.
Not everyone is programmed to read the grids or timelines. We will have a personal programming through which we follow and experience in physical reality.