Your family is the soul group you came here to play out
many of your experiences with, hoping they are functional.
It all began the day you are born.
We all know parents are far from perfect - becoming who they are in part from their own childhood experiences and genetic codes - the rest from something called Life.
We can blame them for everything that goes wrong in our lives, for our behavior and decision making, but as we get older and the study of human behavior is better understood, we are taught that in order to heal, we must let go. Some people do, while others are programmed to remain in the dredge of human emotion that leads them down the path to destruction.
And so parents play out their roles seemingly connected in the moment, often seeking pleasure in ways they hope no one will discover ... the child in them forever searching for answers to their greater purpose.
I find that creating an intuitive connection with your child from the time it is conceived, really helps. To understand the child at a level beyond the physical is a great way to go. This is not to say that being firm should not be part of the equation - it's about understanding their limitations emotionally and intellectually - as well as your own.
how would you have liked them to raise you?
Writing things down is a solution to understanding the process of healing your inner child (emotional body) to be a better parent.
If you are a parent answers each of these questions honestly:
Are you repeating your childhood abuse issues with your children?
If you come from a dysfunctional family, do you expect your children to be functional?
Do you feel you have stronger karma with one child than the others?
Has your child become the parent and you the child - role reversals?
Do you understand the needs of children born in this timeline?
How do you believe your children see you?
Do you know how to fix problems in your family? Need professional help?
Do you attached a metaphysical label to your child if they are challenged - such as "Indigo Child"?
Did you want to be a parent?
Are you better able to parent an older child than a baby?
Do you feel you've failed your children? Can you fix it?
Parenting Wikipedia
Parenting is the process of promoting and supporting the physical, emotional, social, and intellectual development of a child from infancy to adulthood. Parenting refers to the activity of raising a child rather than the biological relationship.
In the case of humans, it is usually done by the biological parents of the child in question, although governments and society take a role as well. In many cases, orphaned or abandoned children receive parental care from non-parent blood relations. Others may be adopted, raised by foster care, or be placed in an orphanage.
The goals of human parenting are debated. Usually, parental figures provide for a child's physical needs, protect them from harm, and impart in them skills and cultural values until they reach legal adulthood, usually after adolescence. Among non-human species, parenting is usually less lengthy and complicated, though mammals tend to nurture their young extensively. The degree of attention parents invest in their offspring is largely inversely proportional to the number of offspring the average adult in the species produces.