August 12, 2001
Humanity is on quest to find the truth behind the illusion - the nature of reality and our part in it. It is all about the spirals of DNA and consciousness awakening another memory frozen in time - or your soul creating another synchronicity or epiphany to bring greater understanding of that which you seek.
When one raises one's consciousness no matter what they do in the daily lives, there comes that tug on their soul most days for a 'Metaphysical Fix'.
The 'metaphysical fix' can also be satisfied by:
When your mind is open and ready for the next bit of information that will trigger you into awareness, you will seek out a Metaphysical Fix. It is a feeling deep down in your soul that you are coming closer to finding the reality of your soul's mission - to find its way home through healing and balance.
These little bits of enlightenment used to be few and far between. They are more and more frequent now.
Have your had your 'metaphysical fix' today?
It is often a synchronicity you attract to yourself ... you will find it.