An Eskimo woman was born on November 5, 1877.
- The date World War I would start
- The assassination of President John F. Kennedy two years before it happened
- The appearance of the Virgin Mary at Fatima
- The Challenger space shuttle disaster
I saw the orca, my brother the killer whale, when he came to me in a dream.
Comes the orca whale in winter with the news of our Saviour's coming.
Cold the blue Pacific water, when the mammoth mountain blooms.
The orca says when the Pacific waters are at their coldest, when the winter sun shines like water, a mountain that men call The Mammoth will explode and hurl smoke and flame miles into the sky. The mountains will bloom with fire, by and by, but very soon, before the winter snows melt and the orcas go back to the open sea.
A doctor with a foreign name will use plants like the 'Forget-Me-Not' to make cures for many diseases. Cancer and the flu will never kill people again. A wasting disease (AIDS) that first strikes at men who love other men, will be cured at last.
The stock market will crash, losing 1,000 points in the biggest one-day drop in history.
Russia will return to Communism and more than 20 million people will die in concentration camps as democracy is purged. Statues of Stalin will once again be raised all over the nation and the specter of nuclear war will again haunt the earth.
Israel will discover vast oil reserves near the Dead Sea, enough to supply the entire Earth for 500 years, making that embattled nation one of the greatest economic powers on earth.
A huge golden cross will appear at the pinnacle of the Great Pyramid at Giza in Egypt and remain there for seven days and seven nights. It will serve as a rallying point for the forces of good as the Battle of Armageddon begins.
In the hours before Jesus returns to Earth, the whole world will smell of roses. The orca said the Lord will do this so men will know the time has come.