The roller coaster is a metaphors for the emotional journey of humanity. It loops like time, has a slow start, highs and lows that go round and round in cycles, then builds to a final primal scream.
There are souls who have emotional problems, or addictions that keep them emotional low for a long time. They seem to thrive on dysfunctional people, places and events, a life of drama, often unable to help themselves. They do not understand the mood swings of emotion that cause destructive behavior, and how they continual harm themselves and those around them. We now recognize and treat emotional problems and learning challenges from childhood if possible, which is where the emotional roller coaster begins. Extreme highs and lows - manic depresson - bi-polar disorder - OCD - can be treated with medication in many cases. They are genetically inherited mental illnesses. Riding the roller coaster of mental illness can be done alone wherein the person remains isolated - or with the help of others so they do not self-destruct. A depressed person will detroy the best things in their life - often not be aware what they are doing - until they have repeated the pattern many times. It is at that point of readiness that they will seek help.
emotional roller coaster.
You decide what to do with it.