September 23, 2002
My dreams brought this message - You are here to restore balance. As I woke up, Z(oroaster) told me to look over at the antique Elgin Anniversary clock that sits on the window ledge in my bedroom. The weights at the bottom rotate clockwise then counterclockwise, when the clocks works.
There is no wind up mechanism. In order for the clock to keep time perfectly, it must rest on a level, balanced surface, many metaphors with this time piece, including the "El' in Elgin, my name being Ellie.
I found the clock a long time ago in an antique store ... or did it find me? The clock worked in the store, but has never worked in my home. It just sits there looking pretty. As I spoke to Z about balance and my dream, the golden orbs suddenly began to rotate once again. The time read 5:50 -- 55 being a fibonacci number.
I got out of bed and walked to the clock. As I got there, time stopped once again. Linear time will soon stop, Z told me telepathically.
I walked to the living room and looked out over the water and the Verrazano Bridge which called to me. "Soon you will cross over the bridge that unites one reality with another," Z said.
I sat down at my computer to find a picture for this file. The first image I was the one at the top of this page. He is Chronos, The Keeper of Time, and part of me.
I further realized that my dream about balance came as we entered Libra - balance in time.