Dear Ellie,
Your story about Marcus touched my heart because I also lost a son ten years ago in a traffic accident.
From a tragic loss so much is spiritually gained. It is from the deepest depths of our soul that you learn your greatest lessons.
Since Marcus was 12 years old (a base creation and completion number) his journey in this physical world may mark a transition to higher work especially in this time of change.
My son helped me understand that time does not exist and is a mirrored illusion.
On the first anniversary of his death I heard his voice tell me he would explain time as I argued that it would be so long until we were together again.
He explained it to me in rhyme by saying,
forward and backward this circle is made
forever revolving this earthly charade.
Present, past, future are a heartbeat away
spinning like a record in play.
It matters not that time goes by
for what has been will never die.
I believe with every ounce of my being that his spirit is only a breath away.
Your ability to talk to spirit is a UN-measurable gift of the heart.
Staying in the Matrix of Crystalight,