The water has turned to ice in many places.
Not even the birds are venturing out in the cold.
Not to worry ... March is almost here ... Spring will arrive with new adventures waiting in the "wings".
The end of the day presented a stunning crimson sunset as the sky faded to black.
The Goddess Nut
Nut is an Egyptian sky goddess who leans over her husband/brother, Geb, the Earth God.
She is usually depicted as a naked woman who is covered with stars. She represents the All,
pure potentiality both as it flowers into the physical universe and as it resides beyond embodiment.
Ellie and the blue photo, night and day and of course Schrodinger's cat on the right.
If you cover the left side of my face as you look at the screen, it become more clear.
The arm with the watch represents time travel and the Anunnaki teleportation devices.
You may or may not see the cat depending on which reality both you and the cat are in.
It's a just a thought experiment... consciousness waiting to awaken as it travels in time.