July 11, 2022
You understand the way the world works or at least you try to based on personal programming and life experience. It's a roller coaster ride of positives and negatives as we navigate through our personal journeys.
So many things that happen today put people on edge making it hard to commit full-time to just about anything. But we give it our best try.
Are you a full time or part time person? This will vary from situation to situation in your life - from your job, to personal relationships, and your physical and emotional availability. Part time does not necessarily mean broken or fractured - it just means this is how you function best.
The world is changing - no longer from year to year - or month to month - or even day to day as the clock ticks down and the illusion of time and emotions shows itself - a deal 'breaker'.
Both jobs and personal relationships are going to vary based on the changes in your life. The person you are today could be very different from who you were in the past and who you will be a year from now (becoming more an unknown part of the equation).
One thing we have learned in recent years is the importance of creating some sort of balance to keep stress and anxiety down. An accelerating universe (you) requires restructuring who you are and what you do on a daily basis.
Do you work best taking part time jobs/projects - working several days a week or several hours a day? As we know the workplace has changed - emphasis on Covid and its aftermath. Many people find that several part-time jobs are easier to find and coordinate better with the other schedules in their lives. True part time jobs have pitfalls such as medical insurance, 401K's, and vacation days but emotionally this may be the best way to go.
Are you a part-time person in relationships meaning you prefer not to commit to someone but just enjoy time spent together. There may be other obligations in your life not allowing you the ability to maintain a full-time relationship without those negative emotions such as guilt. We all know that relationships vary in emotional input and longevity. All you can do is the best you can do.
Also know that at certain points in your life you may have the time and energy required to maintain a healthy full-time relationship but other times your life changes and you simply can't do it. Part-time relationships that are simply about sex can be fun if both people are in the same place. In today's ever-changing world anything could happen.
Don't do guilt. Be respectful to yourself and others.