Graham Hancock ~ ~ Ancient Apocalypse
With Netflix's "Ancient Apocalypse", Graham Hancock has declared war on archaeologists
PhysOrg - November 22, 2022
Archaeology is about discovering what happened in the past that explains the present and the future.
I am familiar with Graham Hancock's research in addition to other theories about ancient aliens visiting the planet and being part of the human biogenetic experiment - in other words how the world came to be and how that shows us the destiny of the planet.
I found the Netflix documentary series Ancient Apocalypse recycled theories in a 2022 venue mirroring years of personal research and watching 'Ancient Aliens'. It's for people programmed to connect the dots (grid points) from the past to the present to the foreseeable future and feels like another wake up call for people seeking truth.
I've never met an archaeologist who didn't feel their discoveries would bring answers to age old questions encoded in each of us: who we are, why we are here, and where we are going ... and I've met many.
I generally concur with those who theorize that humanity is a biogenetic experiment perhaps created by ancient alien visitors and now coming to closure.
What does an alleged previous apocalyptic or extinction event signal to our programming? For some it is a reference point to humanity's future based on the past replicating climate change and natural disasters today. Makes you wonder if any of that ever happened or these are just inserts in our grid to help guide the way.
For some it brings mythology and religion together with physical facts.
You decide based on personal programming, explorations, and research about what the landscape of the journey of humanity is about.
To me it's all about algorithms - or cycles of time - that repeat over and over again until the simulation of reality stops rebooting and ends in what like seems like an eternity for all sentient lifeforms that have been part of this experiment.
Current natural disasters and climate change are pointing us in the direction of closure no matter how you are programmed to conceptualize that end. Computer End Simulation!
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