I took this pic of the Full Snow Moon 28° Leo with superimposed purple planets. It took me to an excerpt from Crystalinks Mission Statement written November 1994 when I got my first Apple computer - Dictated by Z(oroaster). "The lion will roarrrrrrrr. The sky will be purple with hues of pink".
Superimposed Towers remind me of this 9/11 pic sent by a client. The terrorists attacks opened the door to years of war, discrimination, and hate crimes in which no one came out a winner.
The Olympics wrap on Sunday as political agendas mount - focus on Putin. Though I don't follow day to day events - Russia goes to war having global implications/complications. If this goes the way it is headed this will be the largest conventional war in Europe since 1939.
You can read about it wherever you trust the news and draw your own conclusions as the Olympics end with its own set of wins and losses and Russian deceptions.
War games have been set in place as if we are reading a chapter from history about an earlier century. It will be interesting to watch what happens in an age of cyber warfare, bioterrorism, artificial intelligence and more. Push the wrong button and ...
In the US - we are sick of Trump, political polls that constantly change, hyper-partisan politics, the long-running pandemic - all having combined to produce a cavalcade of misinformation, disinformation, ignorance, conspiracy theories and self-defeating protests.
Both the Democratic and Republican parties are not what they once were but then again they were both corrupt and needed change. Unfortunately change does not generally work or there would be no dramas, chaos, or program ... just silence after an eternity of endless "noise".
March will come in like a 'lion' on many levels though people are programed to embrace drama and then go off and figure out how to deal/heal. I always find it interesting how the algorithm of reality focuses human attention from one drama to the next ... to the next ... with no solutions/resolutions just emotions.
When I first posted about Ancient Egypt in 1995 I read about the Battle of the Pyramids - European expansionism in the Middle East. Scientific studies of both ancient and modern Egypt, together with the legendary status of the Battle of the Pyramids, established a mystique embracing both the Pharaohs and the exotic Orient. The Great Sphinx allegedly aligned with the constellation Leo around 10,500 B.C. with interesting implications about other storylines and inserts having to do with the human journey in physical time. It's a an interesting energy with a repository of knowledge encoded and every insert of the human experiment.
Lions (Leo Moon) and
Tigers (China, Year of the Tiger)
and Bears (Russia) ... Oh my
Glinda whispering in Dorothy's ear
"Click your heels three times and repeat after me...
There's no place like home, there's no place like home."
Dorothy wakes up and looks around. "Damn it Glinda! You did it wrong again. You sent me back to 1939 and the start of WWII."
Realizing she's stuck in a lucid dream, Dorothy takes Zeke's hand (lion with a "Z" name), closes her eyes and tries again. She opens her eyes to discover the date is February 16, 2022. Zeke presents himself as a blue tiger who can fly, and has protected her through the Battles of the Ages and those still undiscovered.
Full Snow Moon 28° Leo - The Lion's Tale