Ships come in many shapes and sizes.
69th Street Pier in Brooklyn, NY
Whenever I'm around "alien energies" the wind blows in spirals.
Sweatshirt airbrushed for me by artist Rick Bukowski who connected me with Aliens, Pyramids, and UFOs
Photos above by Linda Cronin-Gross
Linda later posted on my Facebook wall:
Ellie. So glad to see that the photos look great, as, of course, do you.
Thanks for an excellent reading and a fun time too. I learned a lot today.
I took these photos as the ships sailed under the Verrazano Bridge this morning.
This year marks the 27th anniversary of Fleet Week New York.
Fleet Week NYC Google Videos
A spray boat escorts the ships to the Verrazano Bridge as they set sail for home.
I wanted to show my friend Geri my 12-foot ceilings and the
pink silk blouse I won on eBay for $6.99 - New - Free Shipping