August 22, 2022
Two of my grandsons are back in college ... Here's Matthew, 19, pre-med, a Sophomore at Tulane University, loving his dorm room. You may recall last year when Hurricane Ida hit and the students were evacuated. He, and others flew home for a few weeks. And then there was covid. Good luck guys. Great room Matt!
Dylan, 21, a senior at Tampa University, majoring in Technology, lives off campus. Due to covid and climate Dylan took his Junior year back in NJ at Rutgers University but is so happy to be back with his friends in Tampa for Senior year. Have a great year.
As school resumes each year we find many teachers airing their grievances and in certain school districts going on strike. Being a teacher may seem like a rewarding way to live your life which is what I thought when I first started out - but then I learned that's not necessarily the case. I taught in both ghetto and local neighborhood public schools and in all cases felt frustration with students, parents, administration, equipment, security, and so many other things that I didn't last very long as a full-time teacher and instead became a substitute.
I was born to be a teacher not a disciplinarian. Almost every teacher I know is burned out long before the school year ends. Teachers - like most civil servants - stay for the benefits and retirement package ... counting down the years to that end. Inner city schools were always the worst in the past and from what teachers tell me are just as bad today. Teachers are met with daily frustration, lack of communication, and classroom violence.
Someone should survey teachers and ask what percent of their day is actually spent teaching. Education is just another broken system unless you teach in a school like my daughter Tracy, a teacher of gifted children in Gilbert, Arizona, where her day is about learning not discipline. There's always the reward of seeing how her students grow from month to month and what they bring to the classroom in terms of their own personal learning experiences. That's what I call teaching.