Tuesday June 27, 2017
What's bugging Americans besides the political and social issues we are becoming accustomed to? Insects ...
Lyme Disease for one which is very serious. I've had clients who unknowingly suffer with symptoms until proper diagnosis is found and treated. Find out if the area you plan to visit, or live in, could increase your chances of contracting Lyme Disease. Lyme Disease: Inside America's Mysterious Epidemic - An unprecedented outbreak is expected this summer Rolling Stone - June 27, 2017
Mosquito bites in many areas are not the swelling you remember but are often welts that can take over a week to heal. Then there's Zika Virus
There's also bed bugs affecting large cities in summer - hotels, movie theaters, other public areas.
Bee, wasp venom shortage could be dangerous for those with allergies CNN - June 27, 2017
Insect bites and stings Wikipedia