In my experience with spirit guides, they do not enter your consciousness to in anyway harm you - but to help, teach, protect, and guide your journey in physical reality. You may be aware of them or not. You may connect with them telepathically through meditation, visualization, or with practice - dialoguing on a regular basis.
You may visualize them in different forms - human, angelic, alien, animals, corresponding with your DNA programming at a specific time.
They may be another aspect of your soul that is 'above' (consciousness grids) while you are 'below' (physical reality).
You may have one or more spirit guides some who remain - others who show up at a specific time for a specific purpose as needed.
They are often responsible for the synchronicities that come into your life - that help you remember who you are and why you were here.
'Spirit guide' is a term used by the Western tradition of Spiritualist Churches, mediums, and psychics to describe an entity that remains a disincarnate spirit in order to act as a guide or protector to a living incarnated human being.
Traditionally, within the spiritualist churches, spirit guides were often stereotyped ethnically, with Native Americans, Chinese or Egyptians being popular for their perceived ancient wisdom.
Other popular types of guides were saints or other enlightened individuals. The term can also refer to totems, angels, nature spirits, or power animals and the list goes on.
Many well-known psychics named their spirit guides - such as Sylvia Browne who called her guide Francine.
As most people know - having seen him telepathically around me - my guide is Zoroaster referred to as Z - our adventures mentioned in many Crystalinks files. As with most guides he played many roles in not only shaping my destiny but reality as we know it.
My Native American Spirit Guide is White Feather. He came into my awareness when I started my metaphysical journey back in the 1980s. Wherever I went - I would see white feathers - either floating in the air or on the ground in front of me. Did White Feather manifest them to make a point or was it Z - or me - for a truth it is all connected through the consciousness grids that create the illusion of this reality. Simulation Theory
Spirit Guide Reunion Meditation
It's time to meet one of your spirit guides.
Today you will ask spirit questions that are not personal, and can be answered by Yes or No.
They may be accompanied by physical sensations on your body such as:
pressure on top of your head - opening of the crown chakra.
a sensation on the left side of the body or face.
The left side receives, the right side sends.
The left side goes to the right side of the brain, the intuitive side.
Before you start, you may sense the presence of your spirit guide.
Find a quiet place, free of distractions. Relax and get comfortable. Clear your mind. Focus on your guide.
Send the thought ... Hello!
You may hear a greeting, but this is not necessary.
Send your Yes or No question telepathically or verbally i.e. Is today Monday?
Relax and allow the answer to come naturally as a thought.
Continue with other non-personal Yes or No questions until you are comfortable. Keep practicing. There is no hurry! Spirit has no 'time' table.
You may also practice this with another guide.
Prepare paper and pen.
Send the message What is your name?
If you have trouble understanding the name, focus, then come as close to what you hear as you can. Spirit will accept whatever name you give. Names can be long and make have to be shortened. There may be more than one name for a spirit i.e. Spirit Eagle.
Begin a dialogue. Trust what you hear.
Send the message (Name of guide) Are you ready to answer questions?
Wait for an affirmative answer.
Sample questions
Do I know you?
Have you ever helped me? If so, how?
How many spirit guides do I have?
What is the purpose of our connection?
Are you my twin flame?
What is my mission?
Are you my only spirit guide?
How many guides do I have?
Prepare questions. Get comfortable. Greet your spirit guide.
Sample questions
Did we know each other in another lifetime?
How many lifetimes have we been connected? In what relationship?
Have we ever reversed rules where I was your spirit guide while you lived on the Earth plane?
Have you always been in my life in this incarnation?
Prepare a set of questions pertaining to the Universe. Take your time over as many sessions as needed.
Sample questions:
Explain reality.
How big is the universe?
How and when was it created?
Is there life on other planets?
Do entities watch us from UFO's or other places?
Did I know you in an alien form?
Are there angels?
Who is God? (Close your eyes and think Show me!)
Are there many/any dimensions? (Close your eyes and think Show me!)
Can a soul exist in more than one dimension?
Does the future co-exist with the past and present?
Do we have free will?
By now you should feel comfortable with your guide and able to differentiate his/her thoughts from your own.
You may have met more than one guide by this time and learning about the many ways each one guides you.
In the follow lessons try asking personal questions, but remember now to censor the answers based on personal needs.
Spiritual Questions
Am I on the right spiritual path?
Will you guide me to the next part of my spirit journey?
Should I be working as a healer?
Will you lead me to a book or home page to further learn what I have to?
Is my current teacher good for me? Should I seek another?
Do I need to move to a new location to find my destiny? Suggestions?
Do I need to travel to fulfill my destiny? Where?
Is this another aspect of my soul experiencing in this reality now?
Your greatest karma or learning lessons and responsibilities are with your family or those close to you who are like family to you. Sometimes these people remain in your life forever and other times they stay for a while and move on.
Sample questions:
Are members of my biological family from my past lives?
Ask for names and other information
If adopted or had foster parents - use this for biological and adopted family members.
Questions about the members of your family in relationship to you and to each other.
Determine is a deceased family member is a guide to you. Generally they are not, but may linger around and be sensed as guiding in some way.
Is my main karma in this lifetime to be the caretaker of (name person - usually the parent).
If you believe you are a walk- in, ask about all family members - theirs and yours.
Most people change jobs or careers in a lifetime, many returning to school. Spirit guides have a tendency to guides these changes for the better.
Sample questions:
Do I have a chosen career or am I here as a searcher?
Is the career I have chosen a lifetime career?
Can I find a career that I am passionate about?
I want to work in Metaphysics. Can I earn a living working in that field? Can I work part time in metaphysics?
Will I have jobs or should I go to school and train for a career?
Is my job a dead-end or will it improve? get promoted? more money?
Does my boss appreciate my work?
Am I being back stabbed at work?
Should I begin an affair at work?
Women: Would I truly be happier at home raising a family and changing diapers?
Would I be happier working part time?
Can I support myself with two part time jobs?
Am I best suited to be ... create a list of desired job choices.
Should I start my own business? alone? with a partner?
Will my business merge? Evolve into something else? Fail?
Will my race / ethnic background, etc. impede my chances for finding my suited career? - help my career?
Am I settling for less than I could be because I have emotional problems, low self-esteem or learning disabilities?
Am I smarter than I realize?
Could I succeed in school after years of absence?
Can I work from home? Choices ...
You are ready to ask questions about your love life. Now this is where things get tricky as the ego always kicks in here and you want to connect with The One.
Sample questions if you have a partner now
Is my partner my soul mate?
Are we together because we have karma to work out? In what way? Where does the karmic debt lie?
Is my partner for the rest of my life? Will I have another?
Is my partner growing spiritual as I am?
Have we grown apart?
Am I holding on to a relationship that is over?
Does my partner still love me?
Does my self esteem make me remain in this relationship?
Why do I stay with my partner? Finances? Family? Afraid to live alone? Other?
Is there a reason I came in gay? genetic? karmic?
Was I prejudiced in a past life?
Are there learning lessons ?
Does my soul prefer a male - (or female) role?
Is this the first time I came in gay?
Am I a gay male to hold female frequency, which I would not be able to do if I was straight?
Am I afraid to admit that I am gay?
Will I ever marry?
Will I live wit someone?
Will I find a soul mate?
Does my soul mate exist on the Earth plane?
Will I marry? - live with someone - ?
Will I wind up alone?
Do I need therapy to maintain a relationship?
Do I sabotage relationships?
Will I ever have a child?
Is my destiny other than marriage and children?
As my guide, can you bring me a partner?
Does working with rituals help manifest partners?
Would my soul's needs best be met by living alone? with a mate?
I have searched for a partner all of my life. I am now 40 and have never met the perfect partner. Is this because I am too picky or I really don't have a partner out there?
Only the first answer is the correct answer.
For those searching for love
Do I have a soul mate?
How will we meet?
Will that person recognize me?
Will that person be ready for a full time commitment?
I am dating - - - - - Is this my true soul mate? Ask detailed questions.
Married people
Why are my partner and I together? karma? love? soul mates? money? afraid to be alone?
Sample questions.
Are my goals in life realistic?
Do I need to change my goals pertaining to my love life? marriage? work? other?
What goals will I accomplish?
Spirit guides are always there and ready to talk if you focus.
As you go about your day, decisions will be made about your experiences.
Driving is an interesting time for spirit to watch over you and chat. Remember to pay attention and act quickly if the 'little voice in your head' sends an urgent warning.
Sample questions when driving:
Is there traffic ahead? Where?
Will I be late?