Friendship Articles in the News

In 2024 we have a greater understanding about the nature of friendships and how we function as both a friend - and sometimes a friend and lover. As with romantic relationships - friendships have a destiny determined by many factors mostly emotional.

If you've ever tried to make new friends as an adult, you'll probably see why loneliness is at an all-time high. Making new friends feels just plain hard.   PhysOrg - January 21, 2022

If you've ever tried to make new friends as an adult, you'll probably see why loneliness is at an all-time high. Making new friends feels just plain hard. n school, making friends can be as simple as going on the monkey bars together. But as adults, making, developing and maintaining friendships can be much more difficult. This matters, because we need friends. And while old friends are golden, nothing stays the same forever. Old friends move away, or have their time taken up by child-rearing or their careers. Without action, loneliness can quietly grow around you. It's worth taking seriously, because evidence now suggests chronic loneliness can be lethal - the equivalent impact of 15 cigarettes a day on mortality rates. It's not just you, either. In many countries, loneliness is at epidemic proportions. And that was before COVID-19 made it much harder for us to see our friends.

Your brain reveals who your friends are: Study illustrates how similar neural responses predict friendships   Medical Express - January 30, 2018

The researchers found that you can predict who people are friends with just by looking at how their brains respond to video clips. Friends had the most similar neural activity patterns, followed by friends-of-friends who, in turn, had more similar neural activity than people three degrees removed (friends-of-friends-of-friends).

10 Science-Backed Ways Your Best Friend Improves Your Life   Huffington Post - June 8, 2016

The truth is there's no one quite like your BFF - and apparently science agrees. We rounded up just some of the proven ways your friends affect your life. Check them out below (then go hug your bestie).
1. Best friends reduce stress.
2. They make you feel a sense of belonging.
3. They help you manage health issues.
4. Friends can help you live longer.
5. They push you to practice more self-acceptance.
6. Honest conversations with them can improve your wellbeing.
7. They make difficult challenges seem less daunting.
8. BFFs call you out on your wrongdoings.
9. They improve your attitude at work.
10. They genuinely make you a happier human.

How To Work Out With A Friend Without Ruining Your Relationship   Huffington Post - January 26, 2015

Many of us have that friend, the one who is always rushing off to the gym, heading out for a run, just getting home from yoga -- and always inviting you to come along. Before you begrudge her for trying, let's give her the benefit of the doubt and assume she's not trying to make you feel lazy, but instead genuinely excited to share her passion for fitness with a friend. It's not unheard of, after all. Working out with a pal is essentially multi-tasking: You get to fit in your fitness while catching up, and for many, it's a source of motivation and a built-in accountability method.

5 Reasons Why A Few Close Friends Will Always Mean More Than Any Number Of Superficial Ones   Bustle - January 20, 2015
Social media encourages us to think about friendship in terms of quantity rather than quality. If you're concerned about your social life, you can just pop on over to Facebook and find out how many friends you have. If you have lots of friends - hurray! - then you must be a happy, well-adjusted person, right? And if you don't have a lot of friends - well, I'm sorry, but I'm just going to have to assume that you are a one-eyed octopedal mutant incapable of communicating with humanoid life forms. That's how it works, right? A greater number of friends equals increased quality of social life?

5 Secrets Of People With Lifelong Friends   Huffington Post - October 15, 2014

They keep their expectations in check.
They're adaptable.
They make time for each other.
They appreciate just how unusual it is to have a lifelong bond.
They know not to hold on to a friendship just for the sake of it.

Friendship may have a genetic component   PhysOrg - January 18, 2011
Genetic similarities were not always noticeable among friends who have activities in common such as playing musical instruments or running marathons, but the researchers said genetic similarities have been found in the past in couples, where people have been shown to avoid prospective mates who are susceptible to the same diseases. The other four genetic markers of the six they looked at showed no strong relationship among friends.

Genes may play role in friends we choose, says study   BBC - January 17, 2011
Researchers in the United States say they have uncovered tentative evidence of a genetic component to friendship. Using data from two independent studies, they found carriers of one gene associated with alcoholism tended to stick together. However, people with another gene linked with metabolism and openness, stayed apart.