About Dreams

Dreams are projected illusion - much as we are in the simulation of reality through which we experience in the lens of time. Reality is comprised of consciousness grids through which we focus in both physical reality and non-physical to get messages.

Dreams can be in color or black and white - the former giving greater validity to events observed.

Dreams are interpreted by the dreamer based on their experiences and emotions. They can bring clarity or confusion depending on the dream sequence.

Many people do not remember their dreams while others retain information to be processed when they wake up. Speaking of waking up - there are those who believe physical reality is the dream and consciousness exists outside of its illusion.

External and Internal Factors That Affect Dreams

Just about anything external or internal can be incorporated in your dreams and influence the events. Sometimes the influences are positive while other times they create fear and anxiety as they are warnings.

Internal influences include: Health, Emotional issues at the time, Diet, Chemicals in the body ...

External or environmental influences that connect with your senses include:

Something you've witnessed, watched, read, or experienced prior to going to sleep.

Sounds playing while you sleep - such as music or a sound machine for sleeping

Crystals depending on the type of crystal and how it is used. It can be placed near you, under the pillow, or worn.

Astrological Influences

Scents, Herbs

External stimuli while you are sleeping, Ex. It is raining heavily outside, so water could be incorporated in your dream.

Before and After Dreamtime

As reality is programmed illusion, you can preset your programming for dreamtime, before you go to sleep.

The power of suggestion often works when it comes to dreams.

If you want to remember at least one dream, tell yourself that before going to sleep.

If you do not want to have scary dreams, before you go to sleep, mentally state that, "I do not want to have scary dreams." This is good to do when your life is in turmoil.

If someone is attacking you in dreamtime, tell your spirit guides to protect you, and never allow that person near you. Example: An old lover who wants to contact with you in dreams.

It is often helpful to review the events of your day before going to sleep, as if watching a movie. This is helpful if you wish to work out issues during dreamtime.

After you wake up, it is best to focus on your dreams experiences and record them for future reference.

Remembering and Interpreting Dreams

We dream in a higher frequency of thought and light than our physical experience. Therefore when we slow down our frequency as we return to our conscious awareness to the physical mind and body, we often do not have the means to understand what occurred in dreamtime.

Once consciousness enters the physical mind, we return to the 'realms of forgetfulness' about who we are and the nature of a soul's experiences. Our thoughts move too slowly.

Some people remember their dreams while others have little or no recognition.

Dreams help you work out issues hough emotions can distort memory. We often do not remember dreams because we do not wish to deal with the issues addressed.

Most people remember what I call 'wake-up dreams.' As your consciousness returns to the physical mind, it slows down to a frequency where it become aware of something that is occurring on the other side that it wishes to remember. You wake up and you remember, if only for few minutes as your consciousness slowly returns to physical frequency. It is then you must record your dream information before the events are lost in time.

Recording your dreams can be done in a journal where are you date everything or some sort of an electronic device which includes your phone. Record information as soon as you wake up because the more your consciousness focuses in physical reality the faster you forget.

Interpretation of dreams often vary. One must know about the dreamer and what is going on around them if this is a personal dream. If it is a universal dream, it may be more easily understood. For example, a friend of mine dreamed about the Twin Towers in Manhattan being engulfed in water and collapsing. He dreamed this over and over again but did not understand its full meaning until the events of 9/11 occurred several weeks later. He is a fireman who lost many friends and coworkers on 9/11.

Some dreams are exact in content while others are metaphoric. Most dreams have symbols.

Your mind can only process the events in the dream based on symbols it understands. If you experience a dream that is not within the vocabulary of your mind, you will not be able to process and remember it. The physical mind has to be able to make sense of a dream, for you to remember it. It's like a young child being taught calculus. It has no way of understanding, and therefore processing or interpreting what it is being shown, so it forgets what it sees.

In dreamtime you generally receive messages in symbols or archetypes whose meaning you may or may not understand until later. This is not unlike messages received in meditations or other states of altered consciousness.

Here is an example, You dream about 'keys.' Keys open locks, doorways. Something new will be shown. You must then look at the number of keys given, the metal of which they were made, and anything else given in your dream related to these keys, such as ... who gave them to you.

Death in a dream does not necessarily mean a physical death in as much as a transformation, old giving way to something new and better.

A Dream Dictionary is often helpful in deciphering symbols as well as searching the internet for the symbolic meaning of that which has been shown to you.

You can ask for guidance before you go to sleep and perhaps a message will be given that you remember. Who is giving the message? Usually it's another aspect of your soul experiencing, someone who has crossed over, or what is referred to as spirit guides for higher guidance.

Sometimes I am shown events in a dream that I remember and help me focus. Other times, I don't remember the dream when I wake up, but I know I have processed the information and know what the solution is. I often wake up with feelings of closure about issues. My soul has made the decision that is best for me in third dimension and it will manifest.

The broad range of current dream-related research

- learning during sleep

- gender differences in dream content

- drugs and effects on dreaming

- sleep deprivation and effects on dreaming

- the healing properties of dreams

- depression/anxiety and effects on REM sleep

- emotions and effects on dreaming

- non-REM dreaming

- lucidity during dreams