Many readers are interested in healing in its various forms. Healing is always about the soul's programming --> brain's computer --> physical body for experience. There is "holistic healing" such as the ever-popular Reiki ... all of which is the same ... just shared grid energies. How about mind to mind sharing to heal in the gears and synchronicities of time and experience? Will it work? Only if the person is programmed for change.
Linking Multiple Minds Could Help Damaged Brains Heal Smithsonian - July 20, 2015
In recent lab experiments, Miguel Nicolelis and his colleagues melded together the brains of multiple monkeys and rats to function as 'brainets' - shared networks able to cooperatively manipulate a virtual arm and make calculations and decisions. They hope that linking human brains this way could unleash a powerful new suite of neurological tools that might help heal people with ailments from Parkinson's to paralysis. We are trying a completely new field of brain rehabilitation by trying to act on the circuits of the brain and actually improve the functional activity of the brain.