Scrying Objects on Mars

Star Trek Communication Badge

NASA's Curiosity rover spotted a rock formation on Mars that looks just like Star Trek's signature Starfleet symbol.   Live Science - January 25, 2024
Did someone leave a communicator badge lying on Mars? NASA's long-running Curiosity rover mission just spotted a familiar shape to "Star Trek" fans: The iconic delta-shaped emblem that Starfleet officers typically wear on their uniforms. Unfortunately, it would be highly illogical to say that a Starfleet landing party walked near Curiosity's roving grounds, as the image was of a mere Mars rock that just so happens to resemble the "Star Trek" symbol. The image was originally posted on the Mars Curiosity raw images site provided by NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL). It was taken with the rover's left navigation camera on Mars day, or sol, 4062 of the mission on Jan. 9.

A NASA spacecraft captured a photo of a dune on the surface of Mars that looks suspiciously like the famous Starfleet logo from Star Trek. The Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter (MRO), snapped the photo on the Red Planet's southeast Hellas Planitia. The V-shaped symbol turned out to be a dune that is left over from the planet's lava and wind. The landmarks are called 'dune casts,' which record the presence of dunes that were surrounded by lava, according to the MRO's High Resolution Imaging Science Experiment, which is based at the University of Arizona in Tucson, Arizona. The landmark was created from crescent-shaped dunes, called 'barchan,' that moved across the area of the planet. After an eruption, the lava flowed around the dunes, causing the island-like landmarks to remain after the lava cooled. Eventually, the sand piles that were the dunes migrated away, leaving these footprints in the lava plain. - NASA - June 14, 2019

'Star Trek' Logo Spotted on Mars   Live Science - June 14, 2019
It looks like Starfleet is literally embedded on the planet next door: A dune in the shape of the famous logo from "Star Trek" appears prominently in a new picture from the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter (MRO). Even Captain Kirk himself (actor William Shatner) has weighed in. Don't expect to find Spock, Jean-Luc Picard or Michael Burnham squatting nearby, however. Just like the famous "face on Mars," this Starfleet logo was produced by random chance, as wind, lava and other forces sculpted the Martian landscape.

Seal of the United States Space Force

Boomerangs and UFOs

Among the various types of UFOs reported, there is a shape called the 'Boomerang' which closely resembles the images above. Some of the objects photographed may appear as boomerangs, because only part of the UFO is actually seen. They may be part of a triangle or a circular craft.

Dawn November 11, 2004 ... Bay Ridge, Brooklyn

A UFO flew towards my bedroom window - traveling northeast - as I looked on in disbelief.

I jumped out of bed for a closer look.

Surely it wouldn't crash into my building - was all I could think as it came at me.

In that moment I felt as if my mind was manipulating its trajectory.

As it approached it slowed almost to a stop as if sensing an object or telepathically hearing me - then veered away allowing me to sense that it was an unmanned drone.

What I saw was a metallic triangular shaped craft - approximately 40 feet (12.1 meters) wide - with flashing lights that came close enough for me to see what looked like nuts and bolts underneath.

As I reached for my camera - it turned north then took off with such speed it disappeared within a second.

It was a definite feeling of surveillance, but I'm not sure how wide a net that extends to. I also felt it was something linked to reverse engineered projects between extraterrestrials and our government.

Silent Running: 'Black Triangle' Sightings on the Rise