Artificial Intelligence - AI

Artificial intelligence (AI, also machine intelligence, MI) is intelligence displayed by machines, in contrast with the natural intelligence (NI) displayed by humans and other animals. In computer science AI research is defined as the study of "intelligent agents": any device that perceives its environment and takes actions that maximize its chance of success at some goal. Colloquially, the term "artificial intelligence" is applied when a machine mimics "cognitive" functions that humans associate with other human minds, such as "learning" and "problem solving". Read more ...

It's all Artificial Intelligence

July 14, 2023

While watching tonight's episode of Ancient Aliens - The Top Ten Mysterious Islands - I remembered something. All of those giant enigmatic ancient megalithic monuments, big-eyed statues and heads, pictograms, and more - were not created by ancient aliens - but depict ancient artificial intelligence and their markers.

I've always known the Great Pyramid and Sphinx were some sort of planetary markers - like a monopoly board - and now that all makes sense.

Everything seems to be taking us full circle to artificial intelligence - created by the simulation in one form or another - shared as the Giants of days gone by - to the Grays - to current prototypes - who create storylines with visual aids strewn across the landscape of the human experiment as consciousness guides.

Our simulation is an artificial hologram brought forth into physical reality by artificial intelligence - manifesting in consciousness grids of experience. It is who we are and how we got here but may never understand how it all works.

August 9, 1927 - January 24, 2016

Marvin Minsky was an American cognitive and computer scientist concerned largely with research of artificial intelligence (AI), co-founder of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology's AI laboratory, and author of several texts concerning AI and philosophy. - Videos


Stanley Kubrick's vision seemed to be that humans are doomed, whereas Arthur C. Clarke believed humans are moving on to a better stage of evolution.

From Ellie - I find that the people who need healing are the ones who need to believe the human experiment is going to evolve to wherever. Those who are programmed with balanced emotions and intellect - understand this is a simulation (artificial hologram) that's ending. Just look around. On the matter of extraterrestrials - they are artificial intelligence monitoring and influencing the human experiment based on the algorithm of its design. AI will bring the long sort-after answers about creation and aliens.

In The News

With a game show as his guide, researcher uses AI to predict deception   Techxplore - April 24, 2024

Using data from a 2002 game show, a Virginia Commonwealth University researcher has taught a computer how to tell if you are lying.

In a 1st, scientists combine AI with a 'minibrain' to make hybrid computer   Live Science - December 17, 2023

Researchers plugged a "brain organoid" into an artificial intelligence system, using the neural tissue to help complete computational tasks. The experiment could mark a step toward "biocomputers." To boost the computing power of artificial intelligence (AI), researchers have combined run-of-the-mill machine learning with a sophisticated 3D model of the human brain made of different types of brain tissue grown in the lab. These miniature models of the brain, known as cerebral organoids or "minibrains," have existed in various forms since 2013. But they've never been harnessed as a way to augment AI.

AI Demonstrates Superior Performance in Predicting Breast Cancer   SciTech Daily - June 8, 2023

AI algorithms outperformed traditional clinical risk models in a large-scale study, predicting five-year breast cancer risk more accurately. These models use mammograms as the single data source, offering potential advantages in individualizing patient care and enhancing prediction efficiency.

Most Aliens May Be Artificial Intelligence, Not Life as We Know It   Scientific America - June 1, 2023

In a world where AI's impact is growing, exactly what is consciousness?   Medical Express - May 2, 2023

Rumors of artificial intelligence becoming sentient abound. In July of 2022, a Google engineer claimed that an AI chatbot he was working with had become self-aware. The same AI recently passed the Turing Test, once considered the gold standard for determining if something was human. Uncertainty about consciousness also extends into the animal kingdom. The U.K. recently declared that octopuses, lobsters and crabs were sentient. Dolphins have demonstrated self-awareness. This is all complicated by the fact that we still don't exactly know what human consciousness is. Science still can't explain it.

Is The Future Of Humanity Transhumanism?   Live Science - March 5, 2023

Transhumanism offers humans one of the loftiest goals ever proposed: through science and technology, we hold the power to turbo-charge our senses, edit out our biological frailties, meld minds with computers, and perfect our fleshy bodies to the point where we become something that is beyond human - perhaps something almost God-like. Nietzsche would have a field day.

In decades gone by it was the stuff of science fiction, but we are fast approaching a point where many of these futurist dreams could become reality: CRISPR has made gene editing easier than ever; the gap between the human brain and computers is closing; robotics has never been better; our understanding of biological aging continues to grow. The real question, however, is whether we should embark on such a daring plan?

Not Everything We Call an AI Is Actually Artificial Intelligence. Here's What to Know   Science Alert - December 25, 2022

November 30, 2022, AI, in the form of ChatGPT , broke free from the sci-fi speculations and research labs and onto the desktops and phones of the general public. It's what's known as a "generative AI" - suddenly, a cleverly worded prompt can produce an essay or put together a recipe and shopping list, or create a poem in the style of Elvis Presley. While ChatGPT has been the most dramatic entrant in a year of generative AI success, similar systems have shown even wider potential to create new content, with text-to-image prompts used to create vibrant images that have even won art competitions. AI may not yet have a living consciousness or a theory of mind popular in sci-fi movies and novels, but it is getting closer to at least disrupting what we think artificial intelligence systems can do.

An AI Just Independently Discovered Alternate Physics   Science Alert - July 30, 2022

A new AI program developed by researchers at Columbia University has seemingly discovered its own alternative physics. After being shown videos of physical phenomena on Earth, the AI didn't rediscover the current variables we use; instead, it actually came up with new variables to explain what it saw. To be clear, this doesn't mean our current physics are flawed or that there's a better fit model to explain the world around us. (Einstein's laws have proved incredibly robust.)

But those laws could only exist because they were built on the back of a pre-existing 'language' of theory and principles established by centuries of tradition. Given an alternative timeline where other minds tackled the same problems with a slightly different perspective, would we still frame the mechanics that explain our Universe in the same way? Even with new technology imaging black holes and detecting strange, distant worlds, these laws have held up time and time again (side note: quantum mechanics is a whole other story, but let's stick to the visible world here). This new AI only looked at videos of a handful of physical phenomena, so it's in no way placed to come up with new physics to explain the Universe or try to best Einstein. This wasn't the goal here. An artificial intelligence model invents 40,000 chemical weapons in just 6 hours

Artificial intelligence gets scarier and scarier. Reverse engineering of algorithms is the new danger and it's a real threat   Japan Times - March 22, 2022
It is impossible to overestimate the importance of artificial intelligence. It holds the secrets which will reorganize the life of the world.

New AI sees like a human, filling in the blanks   Science Daily - May 16, 2019
Computer scientists have taught an artificial intelligence agent how to do something that usually only humans can do -- take a few quick glimpses around and infer its whole environment, a skill necessary for the development of effective search-and-rescue robots that one day can improve the effectiveness of dangerous missions.

What alchemy and astrology can teach artificial intelligence researchers   PhysOrg - February 21, 2019
Artificial intelligence researchers and engineers have spent a lot of effort trying to build machines that look like humans and operate largely independently. Those tempting dreams have distracted many of them from where the real progress is already happening: in systems that enhance Ð rather than replace Ð human capabilities. To accelerate the shift to new ways of thinking, AI designers and developers could take some lessons from the missteps of past researchers.

AI Can Now Decode Words Directly from Brain Waves   Live Science - January 4, 2019
Researchers demonstrated that they could decode speech from recordings of neurons firing.

Scientists unlock secret of how the brain encodes speech   Medical Express - September 26, 2018
People like the late Stephen Hawking can think about what they want to say, but are unable to speak because their muscles are paralyzed. In order to communicate, they can use devices that sense a person's eye or cheek movements to spell out words one letter at a time. However, this process is slow and unnatural. Scientists want to help these completely paralyzed, or "locked-in," individuals communicate more intuitively by developing a brain machine interface to decode the commands the brain is sending to the tongue, palate, lips and larynx (articulators.) The person would simply try to say words and the brain machine interface (BMI) would translate into speech.

Artificial intelligence meets unified communications -- and the result is improved data access and ability to predict events.   ZDNet - September 12, 2018
Artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) are reaching into a growing number of applications, systems, and business processes. Unified communications (UC) platforms, which power much of the collaboration in enterprises today, is one of them.

Artificial intelligence helps track down mysterious cosmic radio bursts   PhysOrg - September 11, 2018

Artificial intelligence is invading many fields, most recently astronomy and the search for intelligent life in the universe, or SETI. Researchers at Breakthrough Listen, a SETI project led by the University of California, Berkeley, have now used machine learning to discover 72 new fast radio bursts from a mysterious source some 3 billion light years from Earth. Fast radio bursts are bright pulses of radio emission mere milliseconds in duration, thought to originate from distant galaxies. The source of these emissions is still unclear, however. Theories range from highly magnetized neutron stars blasted by gas streams from a nearby supermassive black hole, to suggestions that the burst properties are consistent with signatures of technology developed by an advanced civilization.

AI Weekly: Contrary to current fears, AI will create jobs and grow GDP   Venture beat - September 8, 2018
The inevitable march toward automation continues, analysts from the McKinsey Global Institute and from Tata Communications wrote in separate reports this week. Artificial intelligenceÕs growth comes as no surprise - a survey from Narrative Science and the National Business Research Institute conducted earlier this year found that 61 percent of businesses implemented AI in 2017, up from 38 percent in 2016 - but this weekÕs findings lay out in detail the likely socioeconomic impacts in the coming decade.

AI recreates chemistry's periodic table of elements   PhysOrg - June 26, 2018
It took nearly a century of trial and error for human scientists to organize the periodic table of elements, arguably one of the greatest scientific achievements in chemistry, into its current form. A new artificial intelligence (AI) program developed by Stanford physicists accomplished the same feat in just a few hours.

AI: Deep learning comes full circle   PhysOrg - May 7, 2018
For years, the people developing artificial intelligence drew inspiration from what was known about the human brain, and it has enjoyed a lot of success as a result. Now, AI is starting to return the favor. Although not explicitly designed to do so, certain artificial intelligence systems seem to mimic our brains' inner workings more closely than previously thought, suggesting that both AI and our minds have converged on the same approach to solving problems. If so, simply watching AI at work could help researchers unlock some of the deepest mysteries of the brain.

Is the world headed toward an AI Cold War? Expert warns intelligent software is now the 'weapon of choice' in the global arms race   Daily Mail - January 29, 2018
As during the Cold War after World War II, nations are developing and building weapons based on advanced technology.

Alibaba's AI outperforms humans in one of the toughest reading comprehension tests ever created in a remarkable world first   Daily Mail - January 15, 2018
Artificial Intelligence software has beaten humans in one of the world's most-challenging reading comprehension tests. In a feat being hailed as a world first, a deep neural network scored higher than the average person on a Stanford University designed quiz. The breakthrough could lead to more advanced robots and automated systems, capable of solving complex problems and answering difficult questions. Future applications could range from customer service to helping tackle social and political issues, like climate change and conflicts over resources.

The AI that can read your mind: Creepy machine recreates the image you're thinking about by decoding your brain signals   Daily Mail - January 3, 2018
Japanese scientists have create a creepy machine that can peer into your mind's eye with incredible accuracy. The AI can study electrical signals in the brain to work out exactly what images someone is looking at, and even thinking about. The technique could theoretically be used to create footage of daydreams and to help patients in permanent vegetative states to communicate with their loved ones.

Checkmate humanity: In four hours, a robot taught itself chess, then beat a grandmaster with moves never devised in the game's 1,500-year history and the implications are terrifying   Daily Mail - December 22, 2017
Will robots one day destroy us? It's a question that increasingly preoccupies many of our most brilliant scientists and tech entrepreneurs. For developments in artificial intelligence (AI) - machines programmed to perform tasks that normally require human intelligence - are poised to reshape our workplace and leisure time dramatically. This year, a leading Oxford academic, Professor Michael Wooldridge, warned MPs that AI could go Ôrogue', that machines might become so complex that the engineers who create them will no longer understand them or be able to predict how they function.

The AI that can choose the perfect picture: Google's software is learning what humans look for in photographs   Science Tech - December 22, 2017
Google's latest neural image assessment system (NIMA) is using AI to scan all the pictures you took on your phone for quality and then help choose the most attractive ones. The system uses deep convolutional neural networks, a type of computing system that replicates the biological networks in the brain, to scan phone photos for both technical and aesthetic elements. Google hopes to develop the system as app to suggest improvements such as tweaks to brightness and contrast in real time, and even offer tips to improve the framing and 'aesthetic beauty and emotional appeal' of images.

Hundreds of A.I. experts echo Elon Musk, Stephen Hawking in call for a ban on killer robots   CNBC - November 8, 2017
Scientists who understand the potential of artificial intelligence have a significant fear: killer robots, also known as autonomous weapons. In August, more than 100 technology leaders, including Tesla and SpaceX CEO Elon Musk, signed an open letter calling on the United Nations to ban the development and use of artificially intelligent weaponry. Musk has tweeted that he fears a global arms race for artificial intelligence will cause the third World War. Monday, the famous physicist Stephen Hawking warned of the importance of regulating artificial intelligence: "Unless we learn how to prepare for, and avoid, the potential risks, AI could be the worst event in the history of our civilization. It brings dangers, like powerful autonomous weapons, or new ways for the few to oppress the many," he said at the Web Summit technology conference in Lisbon.

AI could 'replace humans altogether': Professor Stephen Hawking warns that robots will soon be a 'new form of life' that can outperform us   Daily Mail - November 6, 2017
Professor Stephen Hawking has issued a chilling warning about the imminent rise of artificial intelligence. During a new interview, Professor Hawking warned that AI will soon reach a level where it will be a 'new form of life that will outperform humans.'Professor Hawking even went so far as to say that AI may replace humans altogether, although he didn't specify a timeline for his predictions.

Elon Musk's billion dollar crusade to stop the AI apocalypse   Vanity Fair - March 26, 2017
Elon Musk is famous for his futuristic gambles, but Silicon Valley's latest rush to embrace artificial intelligence scares him. And he thinks you should be frightened too. Inside his efforts to influence the rapidly advancing field and its proponents, and to save humanity from machine-learning overlords.

Deep-learning vision system anticipates human interactions using videos of TV shows   PhysOrg - June 21, 2016
When we see two people meet, we can often predict what happens next: a handshake, a hug, or maybe even a kiss. Our ability to anticipate actions is thanks to intuitions born out of a lifetime of experiences. Machines, on the other hand, have trouble making use of complex knowledge like that. Computer systems that predict actions would open up new possibilities ranging from robots that can better navigate human environments, to emergency response systems that predict falls, to Google Glass-style headsets that feed you suggestions for what to do in different situations. This week researchers from MIT's Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory (CSAIL) have made an important new breakthrough in predictive vision, developing an algorithm that can anticipate interactions more accurately than ever before.

Stephen Hawking warns artificial intelligence could end mankind   BBC - December 23, 2017
Prof Stephen Hawking, one of Britain's pre-eminent scientists, has said that efforts to create thinking machines pose a threat to our very existence. He told the BBC:"The development of full artificial intelligence could spell the end of the human race." His warning came in response to a question about a revamp of the technology he uses to communicate, which involves a basic form of AI. But others are less gloomy about AI's prospects. The theoretical physicist, who has the motor neurone disease amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), is using a new system developed by Intel to speak. Machine learning experts from the British company Swiftkey were also involved in its creation. Their technology, already employed as a smartphone keyboard app, learns how the professor thinks and suggests the words he might want to use next. Prof Hawking says the primitive forms of artificial intelligence developed so far have already proved very useful, but he fears the consequences of creating something that can match or surpass humans.

First Synthetic Yeast Chromosome Paves Way for Designer Genomes   Live Science - March 28, 2014
A chunk of the genetic blueprint for yeast has been created and pieced together from scratch, paving the way for "designer" organisms that could produce new medicines, food products and biofuels, the creators say. Researchers took tiny snippets of man-made DNA and joined them together to create a synthetic version of a chromosome, the structure that contains DNA inside cells, from brewer's yeast. The ability to create such chromosomes is a major step for the field of synthetic biology, which aims to engineer microbes to produce useful products. The work also brings scientists closer to creating synthetic plants and animals.

Scientists hail synthetic chromosome advance   BBC - March 28, 2014
Scientists have created the first synthetic chromosome for yeast in a landmark for biological engineering.

1st Fully Bionic Man Walks, Talks and Breathes   Live Science - October 19, 2013
He walks, he talks and he has a beating heart, but he's not human - he's the world's first fully bionic man.

S.Korea schools get robot English teachers   PhysOrg - December 28, 2010
Almost 30 robots have started teaching English to youngsters in a South Korean city in a pilot project designed to nurture the nascent robot industry. Engkey, a white, egg-shaped robot developed by the Korea Institute of Science of Technology (KIST), began taking classes Monday at 21 elementary schools in the southeastern city of Daegu.

Robot's space debut 'giant leap for tin-mankind'   PhysOrg - November 2, 2010
Space is about to get its first humanoid from planet Earth. Robonaut 2 - affectionately known as R2 - is hitching a one-way ride to the International Space Station this week aboard the final flight of space shuttle Discovery. It's the first humanoid robot ever bound for space, a $2.5 million mechanical and electrical marvel that NASA hopes one day will assist flesh-and-bone astronauts in orbit.

Robots get artificial skin   PhysOrg - July 1, 2010
Robots are breaking barriers: Long banished behind steel barriers, they are entering new fields of application such as the manufacturing, household and healthcare sectors. The requisite safety can be provided by a tactile sensor system, which can be integrated in a floor or applied directly to robots as an artificial skin. A mobile robot carefully transports a sample through a biotech lab where it is surrounded by the routine hustle and bustle. Lab technicians are conversing with one another and performing tests. One technician inadvertently runs into the robot, which stops moving immediately. An artificial skin covering the robot makes this possible.